Friday, December 27, 2019

An Examination Into the View of Perception (Pratyaksa)...

Perception as a pramana or method of knowledge has not been discussed at length in Western logic. In so far as it has been discussed, it has created a divide amongst the realists, the idealists and the empiricists. Many schools of Indian philosophy have taken up a critical examination of perception as a means of gaining valid knowledge. The Nyaya is one of them. According to the Nyaya school of philosophy, valid knowledge or prama can be gained through four different means namely; perception (Pratyaksa), inference (Anumana), verbal testimony (Sabda) and comparison (Upmana). Of these, the Naiyayika considers perception to be fundamental. This is true in the sense that although perception may not be the only method of knowledge, it forms a†¦show more content†¦The Naiyayika would agree that when in doubt of the truth of perceptual knowledge, we must investigate as thoroughly as we would while investigating knowledge arising from other sources. Perception- Its definition according to the Naiyayikas: The definitions of perception have varied over time within the Nyaya school of thought. While the old school of Nyaya defines perception to sense-object contact, the newer Naiyayikas take quite a difference stance. The old school of Nyaya relies heavily on the etymological meaning of the word Pratyaksa (perception) which means the functioning of the sense organs in relation to its particular object (aksï€ ¤asyÄ ksï€ ¤Ã¯â‚¬ ¤asya prativisayam urttih pratyaksam). They lay utmost emphasis to the idea of perception as being the knowledge arising due to sense-organ contact. They believe that this is fundamentally implied in the definition of the word pratyaksa. Thus, it follows that the sense may function in two ways in relation to a particular object. It may either bring itself in contact with the particular object, hence bringing about cognition of the object, or it may operate in a way that it brings about cognition of the object. In both cases the result is a judgement of the object. The modern Naiyayikas on the other hand attack the old definition on several grounds. Instead of defining it in terms of sense-organ contact, the modern Naiyayika chooses to do so in terms of type of knowledge. Gangesa, the

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Baddeley and Hitch’s Working Memory Model

This essay addresses the working memory model which was proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974 in Smith Kosslyn, 2007) as a response to Atkinson and Shiffrins (1968 in Smith, 2007) multi-store model. According to Baddely and Hitch the multi-store model failed to explain most of the complexities of the human memory and viewed it as being too simplistic. They argued that the short term memory store must have more components rather it being a single inflexible store as suggested previously by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). The working memory model is therefore an enhancement of the multi store model. According to Baddeley and Hitch working memory is a limited- capacity system that stores and processes information. According to Baddeley and†¦show more content†¦This is interpreted as because the capacity of the phonological loop is limited in time (in Smith, 2007). Further evidence for the existence of the phonological loop comes from Conrads and Hulls (1975 in Passer, 2009) experiment in which they examined the effect of phonological similarity. They found that serial recall in a list of similar sounding words tended to yield poorer results with participants finding it difficult to remember compared to words that sounded different. It has also been found that recall in semantically similar words tended to have little or no effect, supporting the idea that verbal information is transferred in a phonological manner in working memory. In addition, Vallar and Papagno (1995 in Smith, 2007) found that the phonological store in brain damaged patients were dysfunctional. Moreover, Hardyk and Petrinovich (1970 in Parkin, 1993) found the articulatory loop to be crucial when being presented with complex information. In their study they measured participants throat muscle and forearm muscle activity although some may argue that this was not a good technique to carry out. Their findings led to them conclude that when participants were presented with complex material their articulatory loop would come in to function (in Parkin, 1993). In addition, memory span tasks support the existence of the articulatory loop showing that task ability heavily depends on aShow MoreRelatedWorking Memory : The State Of Memory1367 Words   |  6 PagesWorking Memory describes the state of memory we are actively engaged with. It performs the functions of receiving, temporarily holding and manipulating information (Baddeley, 2010). To assess memory psychologists have found it helpful to define their theories as models. Atkinson and Shiffrin ‘s 1968 Stage Model of Memory defined 3 main components of memory systems; sensory memory from perception of experience that becomes short-term memory (STM), which through rehearsal loads more permanent connectionsRead MoreEssay on The Sophistication of the Brain1473 Words   |  6 Pagesinformation, which is similar to the long term memory store in the brain. Short term memory is stored in the brain, much like RAM in a computer (Lytton, 2002). Information processing theories try to explain the conscious mental processes that occur when a stimulus is processed. (Parkin, 2000) Cognitive psychology is a scientific prospective in psychology, however it is not entirely objective. Cognition refers to the study of conscious mental processes, such as memory, attention, perception, language and thinkingRead Moreevaluation of the WMM2112 Words   |  9 Pages– Evaluation of the Working Memory Model Atkinson’s and Shiffrin’s (1968) multi-store model was extremely successful in terms of the amount of research it generated. However, as a result of this research, it became apparent that there were a number of problems with their ideas concerning the characteristics of short-term memory. Building on this research, Baddeley and Hitch (1974) developed an alternative model of short-term memory which they called working memory. Baddeley and Hitch (1974) arguedRead MoreWorking Memory and Its Benefits Essay2434 Words   |  10 Pagesability is called the Working Memory. The term working memory was coined by Miller, Galanter, and Pribram in 1960 (Baddeley, 2003). It refers to the temporary storage in the brain for manipulation of necessary information to execute cognitive tasks. According to Baddeley and Hitch’s study (1974), working memory comprises three main components, a control system, the central executive and two storage systems, the visuospatial sketchpad and the phonological loop (as cited in Baddeley, 2003). The phonological

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Isaac Newton Essay Paper Example For Students

Isaac Newton Essay Paper The chief figure of the scientific revolution of the 17th century was Sir Isaac Newton. He was considered one of the best scientists of all time. Much of modern science is based on the understanding and use of his laws (Knight 206). Although he is best known for the discovery of the law of universal gravitation, he also laid foundations of calculus, extended the understanding of color and light, and studied the mechanics of planetary motion. No other man has been as influential on our perceptions of our world than Isaac Newton (Martens). Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day in 1642, in the small town of Woolsthorpe, England . His widowed mother remarried when he was three and left Isaac behind to stay with his grandmother on the familys farm. At the age of twelve, he was sent to Kings School in Grantham, a nearby town. He was, at first, a poor student. He did not care about his schoolwork; he just wanted to paint, write in his notebooks and invent toys. He was, consequently, at the bottom of his class. Oddly, it was a school bully that motivated him to do better in school. The bully kicked him and Isaac flew into a rage and beat him to pieces. This inspired him to beat the other boy in schoolwork as well. He soon became the head of his class. In 1656, his stepfather died and his mother returned to manage the farm; Isaac was taken out of school to help her. Newton was a complete failure at farming so his mother sent him back to Kings School where he graduated in 1661 (Knight 206). His mothers brother, a clergyman w ho had been an undergraduate at Cambridge, persuaded Isaacs mother to send him to a university (Fowler). In 1661, Isaac attended Trinity College, Cambridge University, as a poor scholar. For the first three years, he paid his way through school by waiting tables and cleaning rooms for the fellows (faculty) and wealthier students (Fowler). He showed no particular promise at Cambridge, but Isaac Barrow, who held the Lucasian chair of mathematics, encouraged him. He quickly proved to his professors that he was no ordinary student- he read all the books he could get, especially those about mathematics and physics (Knight 206). In 1665 at the age of 22, he worked out a basic math formula that is used to this day. It is now called the binomial theorem. That same year, he received a degree and graduated from Trinity College. Newton was also elected a scholar and was guaranteed four years of financial support (Fowler). He would have stayed to continue his studies and get his MA, but the Great Plague broke out and the university closed (Biography). During the time of the Plague, Newton returned home to his familys farm in Woolsthorpe and continued in his studies of light, mathematics, and gravity. During this time at home, he first understood the theory of optics, and the theory of gravitation (Fowler). In 1665, a falling apple raised the question in his mind of whether the force exerted by the earth in making the apple fall was the same force that attracted the moon to fall towards the earth and so stay in orbit around the earth (Biography). These thoughts inspired Newton to begin working out the law concerning attraction between all objects in the universe. This is now called the law of universal gravitation (Knight 207). Around 1666, Newton began his study of optics. By passing a narrow beam of light through a prism in a dark room, he discovered that white light could be made to separate into a series of different colors. The beam of light projected the emerging rays on a panel and got a brilliant spectrum of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. He then directed the colored beams through another prism and recombined them, thus getting back to the original light. He also isolated the colors one at a time and found that nothing could be done to change them in any way. From this, he concluded that white light was a mixture of pure colors. This was called the theory of optics(Mueller, Conrad, and Rudolph). .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 , .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .postImageUrl , .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 , .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477:hover , .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477:visited , .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477:active { border:0!important; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477:active , .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477 .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u56316f0bbfe01478f1ec4ef107980477:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Teddy Roosevelt Essay Upon return to Cambridge, Newton became a Fellow of Trinity College, and took his MA in 1668. In the year following that, Isaac Barrow resigned his chair to Newton (Biography). In 1684, three members of the Royal Society, Sir Christopher Wren, Robert Hooke, and Edmond Halley argued as to whether the elliptical orbits of the planets could result from a gravitational force. Halley went up to Cambridge to present this question to Isaac Newton (Fowler). Newton told him that the force between the sun and the planets, resulting in an elliptical orbit, operated according to an inverse square law and that he had proved it. Three months later, Newton sent an i mproved version of the proof to Halley. Halley convinced Newton to write a book and, after much friction between Newton and Robert Hooke, who demanded credit for discovering the inverse-square law of attraction, the book came out in 1687. It was titled Philosophiae naturalis principia matematica, most commonly called Principia. This book was left unpublished for years, but it established him as the greatest of all physical scientists(Biography). It was in this book that he first described the laws now known as Newtons Laws of Motion (Martens). Most of Newtons life was spent in conflict with other scientists and he sought revenge by deleting references to their help from his work. He took criticism very badly, this has often been explained as a result of his abandonment when he was a child. He had a breakdown in 1693 and thus ended his scientific career. In 1696 Newton was appointed warden of the Mint. At that time a complete recoinage and standardization of coins was taking place. When this was finished, he was appointed master of the Mint. He was elected President of the Royal Society in 1703 and was Knighted in 1705 by Queen Anne (Biography; Knight 207). Isaac Newton died in 1727 and was buried in Westminster Abbey among other great men of England. Isaac Newton accompished an immeasurable number of things. It is very difficult to summarize his significance in the science and math world. Although Newton was one of the greatest scientists ever, he had an humble and modest perception of himself and his career. This was sh own in his last words: I dont know what I may seem to the world. But as to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now and then to find a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me (Adventure). Works Cited1. Knight, David C. Newton, Isaac. The New Book of Knowledge. 1986 ed. 2. www.biography.com, Conrad, and Rudolph. Light and Vision. Life Science Library. Time Incorporated. New York 1966. 5. ewton.htm6.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Marketing Communication Plan Panama Essay Example

Marketing Communication Plan Panama Essay A Marketing Communication Plan for Panama 2nd Edition Written by: Nicoline Becker Table of content 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. The Situation Analysis Company Analysis Competitor Analysis Consumer Analysis Product Analysis SWOT- Analysis 4. Marketing Communication Objectives 5. Marketing Communication Strategy 6. Marketing Communication Mix The core concept Sales promotion 7. Planning 8. Budget 9. Evaluation Feedback 10. Appendix Research Agency Briefing 1. Introduction By means of this document, the approach to Panama* is to present a marketing communication plan proposal. The assignment is to fulfil panama*s objectives for the upcoming year. Therefore a marketing communication plan will be written. The aspects of marketing communication is to bring advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing into one marketing mix together. To achieve the objectives of panama the communication plan has been researched and developed based on the following considerations: The marketing analysis: the needs, characteristics and environment of panama and its competitors are analyzed, and the target group is defined -The marketing objectives: the objectives of panama will be described in detail for the up coming year -Marketing strategy: here the strategy for achieving the objectives will be explained and the target group will be described in detail as well -Marketing operations and implementation: how to work with the marketing mix, which chann els and promotion tools will be used, taking costs into consideration. 2. Background We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communication Plan Panama specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communication Plan Panama specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communication Plan Panama specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Over the last few years, the entertainment industry has become bigger and bigger. People can chose from a broad variety of offers to spend their leisure time. In the Netherlands Panama* is a famous night entertainment venue. Located in Amsterdam it offers the customer a unique experience of a combination of a restaurant, theatre and night club. Panama*? s competition is large; therefore a good marketing communication is essential. If a club like Panama* does not communicate well to its target audience, people will go to the competing clubs because they are not aware of what Panama* offers them. The main focus of Panama* is on its DJs. People come to the club because of the popular DJs that play. Panama* wants to attract more loyal customers who come and visit the club on a regular basis. They want them to come because they like the club, not only because of the DJs. Furthermore they want to promote the restaurant and the theatre, because people are not aware of the fact that Panama* is more than a night club. This means, Panama* needs to come up with a strong marketing communication plan, to increase visitors and especially loyal visitors. Strong promotional tools re needed to make the communication mix strong and effective. The campaign should fit to the image and reputation of Panama*. 3. The Situation Analysis This aspect of the work comprehends the factors of demand from the different target groups. And with this information, it is possible to assess the competition and forecast their possible responses. 3. 1. Company Analysis Panama* 4 Oostelijke Handelskade Amsterdam, Telephone: 00 31 20 311 8686 Hours: Mon Sun 11am 11pm Panama* takes a lead role within the Leisure-Entertainment Industry of the Netherlands and far across over any boundaries. Panama* is a night club located in the harbour of Amsterdam. Besides being a night club, Panama* also locates a very good restaurant and theatre where live performances of bands, DJs and comedians take place. It is known for its exclusive atmosphere and special decoration. The restaurant can be divided into interior and exterior. During the summer a big terrace is open where approximately 100 people can enjoy dinner with the exclusive view on the Amsterdam harbour. The current communication is mainly focused on the website of Panama*. From the website people can get information about upcoming events, shows and DJs. It is the main tool to communicate to the target audience. Furthermore Panama* communicates to people from all over the world by all their famous DJs. The DJs go to internationally known hot spots of the industry, like Ibiza, Las Vegas and Miami and promote the club Panama* during their shows. People who visit these clubs abroad are aware of the existence of Panama*, so come to Panama* as soon as they are in Amsterdam. Another communication tool is the merchandising of Panama*. At the club’s shop you can by products that remind you of your stay at Panama*. You can also buy these products on their website. As a proof of the international awareness of Panama* an international website describes Panama* as follows: â€Å"Pricey wines and classy French fare are the name of the game at Panama – we just wonder why they didn’t call it Paris. Located in a spacious former Port Authority building on the edge of the city, it’ s a multi-room interior with restaurant, nightclub and theatre – perfect for an upmarket dinner, drink and dance with your date. Finely crafted cocktails are delivered to tables packed with a laid-back crowd of young lookers who are drawn to the high windows, soft light and minimalist decor. We say get your Panama hat on people. † ‘http://www. worldsbestbars. com/city/amsterdam/panama-amsterdam. html’ 3. 2. Competitor Analysis Panama*, being located in the top location Amsterdam has to face direct and indirect competition. In follow there are the major competitors listed which are determined to be the Top 50 of the Netherlands based on the nominations of the â€Å"Night Temple Awards 2006†. PARTYVIBES. nl TOP 50 CLUBS / LOCATIONS CLUB / LOCATIONCityHits  » The Power Zone Amsterdam 12921  » Zebra Lounge Amsterdam 12700 Panama Amsterdam 9967  » Now Wow Rotterdam 9554  » Escape Venue Amsterdam 9336  » Ocean Diva Amsterdam 9045  » Hotel Arena Amsterdam 9003  » Club Vie Rotterdam 8328  » Lexion Westzaan 8292  » Happy DayZZ Culemborg 7891  » †¦ #50 Panama* surely has to determine all of those clubs as direct competition whereas a clear communication and brand positioning must be reached at the vision and impression of the tar get group. For this purpose, as Panama* is on rank 3 of the best clubs in the Netherlands, the focus is set on the direct competition of the Top 4 clubs which will be described in more detail as follows: Rank 1: ‘The Power Zone’ ‘The Power Zone’ is placed on the rank one of all clubs in the Netherlands. As Panama*, it is located in the city of Amsterdam where it attracts next to the inhabitants of the city also national and international guests. With exactly 4. 97 km away from the center of Amsterdam, the ‘Spaklerweg’ is easily reachable by car and public transportation within about 10 minutes from the centre. The concept of ‘The Power Zone’ evidently focuses on exclusiveness which is mirrored in their customer orientated services. For parking, taken as an example, the club offers a separate parking-lot (2 â‚ ¬) that holds space for about 800 cars where parking attendances direct the visitor immediately to a free spot. Offering even more sophistication, visitors have also the opportunity to simply drive their vehicle directly in front of the entrance of ‘The Power Zone’ where one of the valet attendant parks and returns on request the car. For this service a fee of 12. 0 â‚ ¬ is demanded, as parking in the metropolis Amsterdam relatively desirable. In comparison to Panama*, ‘The Power Zone’ does not offer a separate restaurant, but the ‘yummi-area’ where Chinese wok-food is freshly and in front of the eyes of the customers prepared. In addition to that, ‘The Power Zone’ offers an exclusive Cocktail- and Champagne Bar an d a VIP deck on which only listed guests with their company are being allowed. Overall, the concept centers on turning an evening-out into a total luxury experience whereas the factor music and exclusive drinks are in the centre of attention. Venue Description of the club ‘ The Power Zone’ Please note the table in the Appendix. This table clarifies the level of competition the concept of the ‘Power Zone’ offers in assessment to Panama*. Focused is hereby on the Target Definition, Concept Description, General Features, Location Availability, Communication Strategy and the Category Definition Venue Description. Rank 2: ‘The Zebra’ ‘The Zebra’ is placed on rank two directly in front of the rank of Panama* in the list of the best locations for the night-time in the Netherlands. In comparison to the Panama* and to ‘The Power Zone’, ‘The Zebra’ is directly located in the centre of Amsterdam at the ‘Leidesplain’ which must be stated as an excellent location as being attractive for regulars and visitors which are not familiar with the whole club-offer in Amsterdam. Communicated via the marketing strategy is clearly the focus on ‘The Zebra’ being a young, trendy location where visitors of all kinds will find what they were seeking for. Integrated in the concept is the transformation of fashion, style and sex-appeal whereby the diversity of visitors and the uniqueness of the location take central position. Music is taken as a feature for meeting people and having a good time while enjoying a cocktail, rather than listening to extraordinary acts. The major aspect of the ‘The Zebra’ is that exclusiveness is offered by providing the feeling of being trendy instead of having the feeling of being rich. In comparison to Panama*, the Zebra offers next to the club and bars no further attractions like a theatre or restaurant. The main and only focus is to entertain visitors with the night-club, in which several lounges and cocktail bars offer the opportunity for having a nice evening that promises the visitors to dance, drink and meet. Venue Description of the club ‘ The Zebra’ Please note the table in the Appendix. This table clarifies the level of competition the concept of ‘The Zebra’ offers in assessment to Panama*. Focused is hereby on the Target Definition, Concept Description, General Features, Location Reachability, Communication Strategy and the Category Definition. Rank 4: ‘Now Wow’ The ‘Now Wow’ is in comparison located in Rotterdam which is not minder a tourism-orientated city of the Netherlands. Even thought, Rotterdam cannot compete with the international reputation of Amsterdam, clubs like the ‘Now Wow’ mirror the diversity of the city. The ‘Now Wow’ is a club for young creative which are open minded and seek for new ideas and originality. ‘Now Wow’ visiting people can be coordinated in several (sub-) cultures which are creating an unique style that is reflected in the colour-rich interior of the club itself. Generally, the ‘Now Wow’ focuses on a younger target group then the Panama* while having a min. age policy of 18 years. Tickets and fees are only available at the direct sale at the entrance of the club which excludes certain exclusiveness like a special treatment for VIP customers how it is included the concept of ‘The Power Zone’. Now Wow’ catches the attention of customers not with luxurious items, lounges and bars. ‘Now Wow’ wants to be funky, different and therefore does not follow, but creates a trend. The club is in its offers similar to ‘The Zebra’ and has no separate restaurant or theatres which is includes in the concept of Panama*. However, being located at the ‘Maashaven’ the club offers an impressive scenery while being located very close to the centre of the city where many food and diner opportunities are to be found on every corner. Venue Description of the club ‘ Now Wow’ Please note the table in the Appendix. This table clarifies the level of competition the concept of the ‘Now Wow’ offers in assessment to Panama*. Focused is hereby on the Target Definition, Concept Description, General Features, Location Availability, Communication Strategy and the Category Definition Venue Description. Conclusion of the Direct Competitor Analysis As these examples of the Direct Competitors show, all night-clubs are offering the same feature, a night-out and entertainment, however due to this special package they offer, the experience of restaurant, theater and night-club, it differentiates itself from the competitors. Panama* focuses on the uniqueness of mixing a night-club with a theatre and a restaurant. This is attracting a rank of targets which can, and must be clearly separated. Panama* invites extraordinary musicians and DJs in order to create a reputation and attracting customers. Whereas being luxury in the interior and creative in their concept, Panama* manages to set a point in the list of clubs which led to the fact that the club is known world wide. 3. 3. Consumer Analysis The concept of Panama* must be recognized as a packaged variety of entertainment levels consisting out of four major elements: the Night-Club, the Cocktail-Bar, the Restaurant and the Theatre. Targeted are customers between the ages of 21 up to 40. Considering Panama* as a location that focuses on elegance, quality and value in their offers, Panama* is in the position of asking comparable upper-class charges. As a result, Panama*’s target group is being set on the middle to upper class of society. Target of the Night-Club: Targeted visitors of the Night-Club are primarily young customers between the ages of 21 up to 30. On the basis of high charges for entrance and drinks, visitors certainly can be determined as having an interest in exclusive treatment and an elite ambience. In addition to that, Panama* is astonishing successful with their concept of having admired acts and DJs which leaves the conclusion that visitors in fact are being attracted and aware of this intercontinental booming music-scene of trance, house and electro music. Thus, Panama*’s customers, of particularly the Night-Club, take advantage of the information flow offered via the website and, as a consequence, contribute more enthusiastically. Target of the Lounge and Cocktail Bar: Panama*’s Lounge and Cocktail Bar certainly is aiming towards exclusiveness that is certainly mirrored in the prices. The bar is targeting to a specific group by a price filter which un-casts the external targets. On behalf that Panama* sets a standard aiming towards a coherent environment. Target of the Restaurant: The restaurant is also a part of the package Panama*. While the club and the bar are already a high class entertainment, the restaurant is truly classy. The target group of the restaurant runs up to people of the age of 40. Market Analysis Panama* is located in the centre of the netherlands in amsterdam, a well kown citie around the world. It is the capital city of the Netherlands. The Netherlands represents an economically healthy nation in which the government has reduced its role radically since 1980. The ethnic origins of the citizens are very diverse, and the opposition to new ideas and cultures is barely null. For the prospective audience of the entertainment industry, Amsterdam would represent the most adequate venue for the coming objectives of attracting national and international visitors. The means of transportation ease for the public the use of alternatives to a car, promoting a very powerful unconcern for going out and consume the products of the so called night businesses. The presence of several competitive firms hinders the possibility of standing out and imposing the presence of a certain static concept in an effective way. Public is growing wiser over the marketing strategies of the different media they are being exposed to, and for the same reason, they are becoming reluctant to adopt an existing concept as a part of their lives. For this reasons, it is hard to retain a recurrent audience without a connection to them. That is because Amsterdam is located in the centre of Europe and easily to reach also from visitors of Belgium, England and Germany. As conclusion: The Netherlands is a country with an international outlook, where foreign visitors and refugees quickly feel at home. For centuries, Amsterdam has been a ‘melting pot’, and its lively, international and cosmopolitan atmosphere explains its popularity with other nationalities; close to half the city’s residents have foreign or ual nationality. This sets the basis for a stronger and loyal target audience for Panama*. 3. 4. Product Analysis Panama* should retain the expectations of the new consumer behaviors and trends for the entertainment industry. As the acknowledge and recognition of the strategies for promotion is evolving every day, the product must project the personality of the target it attracts. With that objective taken in to consideration, we plan to connect the ideal of Panama* with the exclusivity of its clients and the ideals of its competitors. Panama* is the experience of perform and be surrounded by a special elite. Panama* is the venue where people enjoy the presence of friends and colleagues. But Panama* is hidden from new public and that represents an obstacle for prospective members to adventure into the concept. People tend to search more for the event the company offers than the company itself. On the whole the target group runs from people of 21 to 40. Because Panama* is an exclusive place to go out, prices are higher than in other clubs. Therefore Panama* focuses on an upper class public. Due to that the new loyal customers Panama* is seeking for, should be more exclusive and attach importance to lifestyle and fashion. 3. 5. SWOT-Analysis Strength: †¢Known world wide †¢Famous DJs will play †¢Wealthy target audience †¢Special evening outOpportunities: †¢Create more brand awareness †¢Improve the Website †¢Increase loyal customer rates Weaknesses: †¢No regular guests on a daily basis †¢Location †¢Too high pricesThreats †¢Club is only know for its DJ’s †¢Too exclusive †¢Losing customers to other clubs Strength The club is well known because of the top DJ’s who perform regularly. The club is located in the so called ‘Manhattan of Amsterdam’, which means it is a top location near the industrial heritage of the city. Parking space is highly accessible at Panama*. It is located closely to a highway, so it is an attractive place for business and leisure. Panama* offers an extent space where parties can be held, people have diner at the separated restaurant, have a drink or enjoy the theatre show. Due to the fact that panama* is exclusive the customers have a lot of money to spent, because they are well situated and do not watch every penny they spent. After researching Panama* and his competitors you can say that, the main focus of Panama* is the special night out they offer his guests, which includes the separate restaurant and theatre besides the club. It wants to deliver a whole special night out. This special treatment only offers Panama*. Weaknesses It seems that people’s decision whether to go or not to go to Panama* depends on the DJ that is performing, therefore the club is not sold out every night. It does not have customers who come on a regular basis to the club without the interest of the performance of the night. Panama* only reaches people who have a car or can afford to take a cab. The location of Panama* is also a weakness, because it is not located direct in the city centre of Amsterdam where it is easier to come too. The prices of Panama* either in the club or in the restaurant are very high. They only attract richer people. This is more niche marketing, so it is a weakness of Panama* that they can not target on a random public. Opportunities An opportunity for Panama* is to give the brand more awareness to the target group they could this via business to business. It could attract more guests’ will the club is sponsored via well-known brands, where the exclusiveness of the club will be better defined as well. When the exclusiveness of the club increases the amount of loyal customers would rise as well. Another opportunity for Panama* would be to improve the website, because it is the signboard of the club. It has to be more exclusive and trendy more what the target group has in mind about a special evening out and an exclusive night-club. Threats A threat to Panama* is that it is only known for it famous DJ’s but not for the club itself. It can happen fast that other night-clubs adopt the same strategy and then Panama* will loose his customers to other clubs. The number of coming guests would decline highly in times of a bad economy, because Panama* is a luxury nightclub and restaurant where people have to spent money when they are going there to have a nice evening out and when the wealth of the loyal customer disappears the customer disappears as well. 4. Marketing Communication Objectives The marketing communication objectives define what exactly Panama* wants to change with their campaign. The main focus should be to increase the numbers of visitors for the different aspects Panama* offers: The club, the restaurant and the theater. People should visit Panama* more regularly and not only if they know that their favorite DJ is playing. It is important to separate Panama* from its competitors but not just copying the competitors concept. In general Panama* wants people to come and visit the club, restaurant or theater if there is no special artist or DJ performing. Facts and figures for the club campaign: -Panama* wants to increase loyal visitor numbers by 25% during the next year Panama* wants attract people of the target group but have not been to Panama by 15% -Panama* wants to increase the number of daily visitors by 5% In order to measure the objectives the visitor numbers will be counted on a monthly basis. By this Panama* can figure out if the new marketing strategy works out or not and maybe adjust it during the time its running. For the restaurant the objectives will be different. The campaign will be separated from the club campaign. The results should be similar to the objectives of the club campaign but it is not expected to be as successful like the club campaign. Facts and figures for the restaurant campaign: -Panama* wants to increase loyal visitors by 15% during the next 6 months -Panama* wants to attract people from the target group who have not been to the restaurant by 25% -Panama* wants to increase number of daily visitors by 10% 5. Marketing Communication Strategy â€Å"An effective marketing strategy sells the brand, not the company†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Levick. In order to define the characteristics of the media used to send Panama*’s message, a communication strategy has been designated to pull visitors to the concept by inviting them to join a community that will expand without further effort. The marketing strategy will be a pull strategy. The targeted consumer will be pulled into Panama* by different tools. The overall strategy will divided into a strategy for the club and one for the restaurant. As a solid basis for the development of an effective marketing strategy is taken the fact that Panama* mainly focuses on the promotion of their Night-Club and their Restaurant. Therefore, in this Marketing Communication Plan, strategies for the Theatre are excluded. This decision is based on the fact that our research reflects a direct promotion by the play or erformance and not by the venue. 6. Marketing Communication Mix 6. 1. The core concept The Night-Club As mentioned, the target group for the night-club of Panama* is young, spontaneous and it wants to be up to date. Being brought up in an era in which the use of technical devices such as computers and mobile phones belong to the daily use, the marketing communication strategy of Panama* should take this aspect as resource for attracting new customers and motivate visitors to return on a regular basis. A new way to approach customers for the Panama* night-club is a sms-service. Based on this idea is an integration of membership trough which possible customers feel related, empathically connected and which is associated with customer-service. Panama*, being located in a demographically and geographically high-developed country, has the advantage of reaching the target via a sum of tools, whereas the mobile phone certainly is being used by the target most regularly. In addition to that constant use, the mobile phone owns the benefit in comparison to the internet, that incoming messages are most likely to be read instead of being directly erased or filtered by a spam finder compared to the e-mail system. A strong point for the choice of the communication tool ‘mobile phone’ is being underlined since these technical devices are being carried continuously with possible customers almost everywhere he or she goes. Consequently, the chance of the message to reach personal contacts of the receiver increases and therefore motivates word of mouth marketing. On behalf of actual procedure, the sms-service will be launched at 14th of February, Valentines’ Day, on which date an event is being held in Panama*. Embedded within a theme of being ‘connected’ to each other, Panama* therefore is offered the opportunity to invite all visitors of that night (and all events in follow) to subscribe for a sms-service whereas the actual marketing strategy is being hidden. Generally, the sms-service informs people about the latest news, events and performances and therefore has a similar function in communication terms as the website. Desirable features about the sms-service are in addition to the fact of being free of charge and without any further mental or physical costs. Furthermore, Panama* has the need for inspiring customers in general to visit on a regular basis. At the recent point, Panama* heavily promotes itself with having astonishing DJs and acts which is attracting the target. However, informing and advertising the target with the promotion of a certain DJ holds in fact the risk that visitors actually come to Panama* in order to experience a particular performance rather then appreciating the fact that Panama* always has exceptional DJs. In order to create the desire of the target to spend nights at Panama*, this image of Panama* certainly must be changed. Panama* must educate the target in so far via marketing communication, that not a particular DJ should be the motivation to go to Panama*, but the actual knowledge that Panama* always has good DJs and therefore any night is worth to go. In order to archive this communication goal, Panama* should include in the monthly event-schedule a ‘mystery guest/DJ’, by which is meant that the presence of a DJ is being promoted, however the identity of that guest stays a secret. Consequently, as being comparable with the concept of a sneak-preview in cinemas, visitors of such nights are being inspired to come on behalf of trust that Panama* will offer them a high-standard performance. The Restaurant The conception of the classy restaurant focuses on an individual target group (up to 40) in comparison to the additional core-concepts of Panama*. The target audience is clearly not attractable with a sms-service and the service would actually have a negative effect. In order to attract visitors in a target-suitable manner, we want to develop an advertising billboard campaign. All over Amsterdam billboards will be placed in the metro, on bus stops etc. These billboards will contain recipes of meals that are served at the restaurant of Panama*. The layout of the billboards is designed with the attractiveness of simplicity. Readable is a full recipe of a dish that is actually being served at the restaurant of Panama*. The dish is changing from week to week so that the city of Amsterdam will be filled with a menu-card of the Panama* restaurant whereas the recipe is actually given. Rounded up is the advertisement with a simple slogan; â€Å"TRY IT, Panama*†. The purpose of the campaign is clearly to increase the awareness of Panama*’s offer in dishes, whereby the simplicity of the concept aims towards a strong result. 6. 2. Possibilities for Sales Promotion The sms-service Panama*s sms-service is of course for free. The visitor shows the sms at the entrance and it is registered that he/she came that night with invitation via sms. If a user of the sms-service comes to Panama* 10 times because of the messages he/she received on his/her mobile phone he will become a member of the Panama* CLUB. The membership of this club is like a reward of the loyalty to the club. It contains special offers for the members, like not having to wait to get in if there is a waiting line outside of the club. Furthermore the member will experience special services on their birthday. First of all they will receive a birthday sms and an invitation to spend their birthday at Panama*. But this is not all. On their birthday night the member can be picked up from their home by a big HUMMER limousine with 10 of their friends. In the HUMMER they can have a small party during the ride to the club. They can listen to music, have a drink (a exclusive bottle of Champagne is reserved for free) and sing karaoke. . Time planning The sms-service The whole marketing campaign will start on February 14th. This day is Valentines Day and therefore a special event will take place at Panama*. Visitors can subscribe for the service in the foyer. From the next day on they will receive messages on their mobile about events, news and offers of Panama*. The duration of the sms-service is limi ted for 6 months. If it is very successful it will be extended for as long as it works. The restaurant campaign The campaign for the billboards recipes will also start in the middle of February to increase the impact of the strategy. The billboards will be shown for a week, the week during which the dish is actually provided at Panama* restaurant. The menu will change weekly, so all over Amsterdam you can always find a recent dish of Panama* restaurant. The duration of this campaign will be shorter than the sms-service. The recipe campaign is planned to end at the beginning of April. So the overall duration will be 1, 5 months. 8. Budget The budget for the whole communication strategy will be explained in a short overview of the different campaigns and services the strategy will consist of. Hummer Executive: including BTW and BPMsponsored by GM Billboard campaign â‚ ¬ 20000 Setting up the SMS-service Promotional MaterialActual Costs SMS-Service (average price of 17 Cent)7. 956â‚ ¬ / 52wks, 900 SMS / wk, 300 members Technical EnvironmentActual Costs Programming and setting up the Interactive Community on the webpage2. 500â‚ ¬ / package price for one year Total Costs 18257,85 9. Evaluation Feedback The best way to achieve the marketing communication objectives of Panama* is to give Panama* brand awareness and an exclusive touch for loyal customers to increase the total amount of regular and new visitors of Panama*. The strategy to achieve these objectives is a pull strategy where the audience is pulled into the club with the sms-service, the added membership with special treatment on your birthday and the teaser billboard campaign for the restaurant. The new strategies and campaigns create brand awareness for Panama* and show through the special treatment in the membership an exclusiveness that other night-clubs does not have. A weakness to the concept is that customers maybe feel irritated by the sms-service and sign out as fast as possible and then do not get a membership or even do not want to have it at all. Another weak point is the possibility of not noticing the billboard campaigns at all. Then new costumers will not get to know Panama* and the numbers for new visitors to Panama* will not rise. To measure the success of the campaigns and strategies the amount of customers visiting the night-club, restaurant and theatre are going to be counted. Also the numbers of visitors of the website will be calculated and the increase of the sales show if there is a rise in visitors. If there are more loyal customers can be measured through the amount of existing memberships. 10. Appendix 0. 1. Research To become a proper inside of the needs and wants of the target group, the awareness of Panama* and the overall future trends of clubs a survey had to be done in the city of Amsterdam. A couple of people were asked to fill out the questionnaire. Survey This questionnaire is a support for a marketing-communication plan for the club ‘Panama’ located in Amsterdam in order to figure out the impression of the club on people. Therefore we ask the public to answer the following questions in a proper way. The data is only going to be used for that only reason. Thank you Questions General background: 1. Have you heard about Panama before? 0 Yes, I have already been there one or more times 0 Yes, but I have never been there 0 No 2. To which age group do you belong to? 0 18-220 28-320 41-45 0 23-270 33-40 0 46 and older Detailed questions about Panama: 1. What do you consider most interesting about Panama? 0 Panama’s discotheque 0 Panama’s theatre 0 Panama’s restaurant and bar 0 All of the above Would you describe yourself as a regular visitor of Panama? Yes 0 No What do you think is the difference of Panama in consideration to other clubs? (More answers possible) 0The exclusiveness of the club0The prices 0The visitors / audience 0The service 0The performances and artists0The security 0The location0The theatre 0The ‘out of house’ activities and events0The restaurant and bar 0others: ______________________________________________________ What do you think is the target audience of Panama? 018-35 021- 65 021-35 018- 65 When you came first to Panama, where your expectations exceeded? Yes, totally 0No, I expected more From whom or how did you hear about Panama? 0Friends 0Internet 0An event 0Advertisements 0Others Panama has next to the club, restaurant and bar (†¦) many events; Do you think that those events are as important in your impression of Panama as the club itself? 0Yes, when I think of Panama the events totally belong to the whole concept 0No, the events are just an extra aspect from Panama 0No, I see the events totally separated from the club (restaurant, theatre, bar†¦) How do you feel when you visit Panama? (more possibilities) I feel entertained0I feel no difference from what I feel when I go to other clubs 0I feel rich0I feel young 0I feel exclusive0I feel confident 0 Others: ____________________________________ Do you think the entrance fee is justified by the offer? 0Yes, the club is exclusive and therefore the fee is also a guarantee for the desired audience 0Yes , the offer of Panama is so filled with variety so that the entrance fee should not be compared with other night clubs 0No, Panama is not offering enough to justify the entrance fee. No, the entrance fee and high prices keep me from being a regular guest at Panama Did you know that Panama is on position 36 of the world ranking of all clubs of this kind? 0No, that is new to me 0Yes, I knew that Outcome After analyzing the questionnaire you can come to the result that Panama* has a target audience which is in the age of 21- 40 earns good money and likes to go out into luxurious night-clubs. But the most people thought that Panama* did not offer another concept than competitors. Most of the people decide to go to Panama* this night because of the DJ who is playing there. The club does not have any speciality compared to another club or restaurant in Amsterdam. The most people thought that the value for money does not fit their expectations. Other clubs does provide better food or less entrance fee than Panama* does and the offerings were the same or even better. Group Discussion For the communication plan research questionnaire, a qualitative research was taken, by executing a group discussion between 11 people. For this discussion, Jose Antonio Bermudez Gonzalez, group member, performed as a moderator giving the research questions shown in the appendix. The results ended in the following conclusions. Participants: -Leticia Camino (Haarlem) -Jordi Buskermolen (Haarlem) -Ricardo Botello (Mexico) -Hilde Zenil (Amsterdam) -Steven Sinclair (United States) -Melanea Mota (Germany) -Roland van Selm (Amsterdam) -Ivan Romero (Amsterdam) -Marteen de Boer (Amsterdam) -Frans Keur (Hoofddorp) About the frequency people go out in a month. The group did not project a traight answer, as there is not a measure in themselves. About deciding where to go. There was a recurrent answer between the group, they decide on places they know and in which they could find the people they are looking for. In order to visit or experience a new place, it is more common to go with a group of friends than adventuring by few people. About the factors those make a club attractive. The participants vary in tastes and therefore t he answer was very general. People always will prefer a fancy and new environment, unless the theme of the venue in characterized differently. From music to fashion, from menus to foodservice or from cocktails to concept lighting, this industry is reached by fascination of some those will pull the others. About exclusivity. The most important characteristic of an exclusive place is the kind of people those are around. The level of savvy maintained by operators. Motivation of consumers to go to Panama* Panama* is on the top 50 list of the best clubs in the world. Being the 36th it attracts automatically people to go. A main reason to visit a certain club is the music. With a lot of internationally known and popular DJ’s, Panama* is the top address in Amsterdam. Customer Reviews On an international forum, http://www. worldsbestbars. com, clubbing experienced visitors can discuss and rate clubs from all over the world. The following comment is one of many about Panama*: â€Å"I have been there a few times this year because of the fantastic DJs. Howells and Digweed, to name a few. Of all the Dutch clubs Panama has the best (mostly) international DJs. To use old industrial buildings as nightclubs always work for me. The interior design is modern and stylish. I dont know about the drinks because most of the time I drink beer, and what can go wrong with that. It wasnt very expensive as I recall. The service depends on how busy it is. One time I wanted to get drinks at the bar on the balcony. It was impossible to get the bartenders attention and when I finally had my drinks and got my change, it consisted of a full hand of 50 cent coins. Handy for the toilets, but it didnt fit in my wallet. The next time I ordered he got the whole pile of metal back. But overall its a good nightclub. I have never been to the restaurant so I cant tell you about that. ( )†

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why SAT SuperScoring means you should retake the SAT.

Why SAT SuperScoring means you should retake the SAT. SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In this article, PrepScholar cofounder and statistics expert Dr. Fred Zhang explains why the SAT superscoring means you can get huge points by retaking the SAT. Many of you know that colleges often take the best SAT score in each section, but do you know how much you can gain by just a re-take? Do you know how to do your retake to max your score? Many students know about the Superscore concept in the SAT: the fact that many colleges only look at the best score in each section in admissions.For example, suppose you take the SAT twice with the following outcomes: Test Date Math Score Reading Score Writing Score Total March 620 600 760 1980 October 740 720 610 2070 SuperScore 740 720 760 2220 Even though you only increased your session SAT score from a 1980 to a 2070, and improvement of 90 points, your SuperScore increased by 240 points. I will tell you why this is incredibly important to your test taking strategy! More Times Matters Because you are getting the maximum of your SAT score over multiple sessions, then it is clear that the more often you take it, the higher your maximum score will be. Imagine if you were running a 100-meter dash, but only your best time mattered doesn't it make sense to run it more than once. Variation Matters When you retake the test, besides trying to do well, you also want to try to increase the randomness of your score what statisticians callvariance. The more varied your score is, the more likely your superscore is higher. This is actually quite subtle, so I'll repeat it again. Even if your score stays the same, you want to increase variation. For example, suppose your last SAT Math score was 600, which one of the below strategies would you take: A) A strategy that gives you a 50% chance of getting a 590 and a 50% chance of 610. B) A strategy that gives you a 50% chance of a 500 and a 50% chance of a 700. Take a moment to think about this. Done? If you chose B, you're correct! With the superscore, you care about only the upside, not the downside. The 50% chance of a 700 means much more than the 50% chance of a 610. How much can you gain? College Board has released thorough data about student score improvements between different tests. The key data: College Board shows that re-taking the test results in a variation of about 50.86 points in each section that's a huge amount of natural variation! It also means that riding off of this variation alone, I used Monte-Carlo simulation to prove that if you go from taking the SAT once to taking it twice, your superscore will go up in expectancy by 78 points! Supercharge the Superscore Okay, so that's awesome, but can you improve on that more? Yes! PrepScholar's training includes SAT test taking strategy as an important component of the prep process. Using our strategies, we'll show you how to increase the variation so your expected point increase is even higher, up to 100 points plus! And this is based on pure variation we also train you so your raw expected score goes up as well. With the two components combined, you can achieve hundreds of points of improvement. But the base story still holds: variation means you should take the SAT multiple times if you have the chance, and you should increase your test variation.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Diary Of Anne Frank Essays - Anne Frank, Women In World War II

The Diary Of Anne Frank Essays - Anne Frank, Women In World War II The Diary of Anne Frank 3/04/99 blk 2 Journeying back to the early nineteenth century, when Nazi forces occupied Germany during World War II, the lives of those living in this territory was spent in constant fear and anxiety. The Diary of Anne Frank leads readers through the harsh times of a family trying to escape imprisonment in concentration camps by Nazi soldiers, where death was almost certain. Born on June 12, 1929, Anne Frank was a German-Jewish teenager who was forced to go into hiding during the Holocaust. She and her family, along with four others, spent 25 months during World War II in an annex of rooms above her father's office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. During the two years in hiding which Anne refers to as "a time when the ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when the worst side of human nature predominates, when every one has come to doubt truth, justice and God (pg.327)." Anne kept a diary that was given to her by her father, Otto Frank, on her birthday. Between June 1942 and August 1944, from Anne's thirteenth birthday until shortly after her fifteenth birthday, Anne recorded her feelings, her emotions, and her thoughts, as well as the events that happened to her. "?[I]deas, dreams, and cherished hopes rise within us only to meet the horrible truth and be shattered?yet in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart (pg. 327)." The diary is an accurate record of the way Anne grows up and matures, in the unfortunate situation she found herself. Given the circumstances in which the novel is written Anne gave a very vivid description of her surroundings and the feelings she encountered throughout her ordeal. The novel displays the grief and frustration that is experienced throughout the time spent in hiding. The emotions of the situation are captured in the text and gives validity to the pain and frustration encountered. Despite the amusing and enlightening side of the diary, that documents the process of her adolescence, it also provides a vividly terrifying description of what it was like to be Jewish hiding during the time the Nazis sought to kill all the Jews in Europe. After two years of living in the "secret annex", behind a bookcase, and having to be extremely quite during the day so that the workers in the office and warehouse below could not hear them the family was captured. The betrayal of Anne and her family to the Nazis and their placement under arrest lead to their deportation to concentration camps. In an entry on August 1, 1944, Anne confides to her diary an analysis of her situation. She concludes that her behavior has been a front during her years in hiding to help her cope with the people surrounding her. Nine months after her arrest, Anne wrote that "?if only there were no other people in the world (pg.331)." The writings give Anne's thought wishful pretense that if no one else were in the world, that the pain and suffering would end. Anne gives readers a sense of truth and honesty about her situation that allows the reader to experience her life as a stubborn, touchingly vulnerable teenager who one minute is in love with the world and the next detached. This book is an extraordinary piece of work written by a young woman finding her way in captivity. Anne was an immensely gifted writer and a person of great sensitivity. She shows her depth through emotions as well as by absolving the feeling of others and communicating them through writing. Anne's true personality is brought to life on every page and allows the reader to feel as though they actually know her. Whether enthralled in the heights of ecstasy over her budding fascination with Peter Van Dann, another teen hiding in the "annex", or drowning in the depths of despair over her life in hiding, Anne would always confide her private thoughts and interest in her diary. Anne's vivid writing allows the reader to experience second hand what it was like to be a teenage Jewish girl confined to an inside world with little resources except necessities to survive. The detail in which her story is told gives light to the talents and emotions a young mind experienced as she deals with traumatic situations. For its insights into the life of a German-Jewish child living in Germany during Nazi occupation, The Diary of Anne Franks, offers a vivid, realistic

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contraceptive Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Contraceptive - Assignment Example It is positioned beneath the skin of the upper arm where it prevents pregnancy for about three years (Planned Parenthood, 2014). It is available in the market is available as Implanon and Nexplanon. This method works by releasing a hormone known as a progestin. The released hormone works in two ways. First, it prevents the eggs from leaving the ovaries and hence pregnancy is stopped by having no egg to come into contact with the sperm (Planned Parenthood, 2014). Secondly, the hormone keeps the cervical mucus thicker, and this further prevents the sperm from coming into contact with the egg (Planned Parenthood, 2014). The birth control has several advantages. The advantages are that this method is safe, simple, and convenient to those that use it. Moreover, it is a long lasting method of birth control and no medicine required to be taken daily (Planned Parenthood, 2014). The method also has some disadvantages. First, it may cause some side effects to some women. An example of side effects is irregular bleeding (Planned Parenthood, 2014). There are also challenges of the period. In some cases, the period gets lighter and may fail to occur while in other instances women may have a prolonged one (Planned Parenthood, 2014). Also, some women complain of more spotting and light bleeding between periods. Some caution is also required while using this method. The method should not be used by those women suffering from breast cancer (Planned Parenthood, 2014). The method should also not be used when severe cases are reported. Such cases may include pain at the insertion site, lack of period, and prolonged bleeding (Planned Parenthood, 2014). On the other hand, the method has no appropriate age group. It can be used by any person of the productive age. The method is also effective in controlling pregnancy. The effectiveness is seen as only about one percent of women that use this

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Resource Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Human Resource Development - Essay Example According to Fisher(1996), more positive group climate, more cooperative behavior on tasks, more productivity in accomplishing tasks, faster problem solving, few errors in solving problems and less hostility among members are most prominent characteristics of an interpersonally compatible group. Any organization can use these findings to create a motivated environment by understanding the internal environment of the organization. With the importance of development of human resources highlighted, next it is essential that the role of awards has on improving the effectives of the training and development programs has to be analyzed. In this paper, the essentials of a good employee development program are discussed. Then the role of the National Training Awards(NTA), instituted by the UK government to improve the efficiency of the training and development of human resources is explained. In the current era of globalization the business environment is so rapidly changing that it is challenging for the managers to foresee the changes that are going to occur in future. The organizations have to be continuously take efforts to equip themselves to cope with the ever-changing business environment. ... But at this point of time, it is not sufficient that a company just grows, but it can serve the best interests of its stakeholders only if it can ensure sustained development. United Kingdom has a long history of good corporate governance and managerial excellence, but can this excellence sustain the competition from the emerging economies is the biggest question. The UK companies have to be prepared to withstand the onslaught of efficient products and services from Asian economies like China and India for example. Hence, it becomes very essential that the corporations realize the need for careful development of their human resource in order to have a sustained growth. Thanks to the information technology, that geographical distance does not define the sphere of business transactions. Hence, companies have to be ready to face the competition with their strengths better toned. The institution of the NTA is the need of the hour to emphasize the importance of quality human resource to h ave growth. Importance of self awareness In a study by Whetton and Cameron(2005), 402 individuals were asked to name the most effective managers and the skills they have, the main factors listed were verbal communication, managing time and stress, managing decisions, influencing others, delegating, self awareness and team building. Self awareness here implies awareness at the individual level, team/ department level and as a whole in the organization level. It can be often observed that in a business organization, managers are faced with the challenge to modify the day to day operations to achieve the long term strategic goals and vice versa. This may be due to the gaps between the aspirations and the actions

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Visit to the Holocaust Memorial Museum Essay Example for Free

A Visit to the Holocaust Memorial Museum Essay I could not express the solemnity that envelops the place. The atmosphere of the exhibits is obviously full of grief, but the stillness of the images somehow brought a certain kind of peace despite the bizarre scenarios they depicted. Hundreds and thousands of black and white photographs dominate the place, pictures that would forever serve as a memorial to the sufferings of the victims of the Holocaust under Nazi Germany. Everything was terrifying and I wonder what human being can commit such atrocities to others? What conscience do they hold in order to allow such evil to be perpetrated? How could an entire nation have elected a leader whose sole intention was to massacre and eliminate an entire race and how could people then have hailed him in his ideologies? What abyss has the human character fallen to at those times? Where was mercy, where was hope, and where was love? Those pictures were filled with hell that seemed incessant to those who witnessed it. Children, parents and grandparents were all victims in this Holocaust. Six millions Jews together with other races considered inferior by the Aryan regime were exterminated and burned in crematoria. Crematoria, how could one have conceived of the idea? Perhaps Fyodor Dostoevsky was right, men are no beast and it is an insult to the beast to be compared to humans. For no best can be so artistically cruel, of which man is so accomplished. How could one have thought of sending men and women to labor camps and make them work to their deaths? And how could one have had the idea of gassing innocent victims in chambers with carbon monoxide? No beast would have designed such an organized mass killing. No beast would have gone to the level of tearing a being beyond both flesh and soul. What man would want to witness the suffering of another? I could not fathom the crimes that happened during those years. Indeed it is true that reality is far less believable than fiction. Holocaust Memorial Museum 2 In an exhibition in the museum, I saw a wall mounted with pictures collectively entitled as Terror in Poland. It showed faces, actual eyes and nose of those who perished in the war. But these casualties did not fall in the fields of Europe equipped with rifles and mortars, they were weaponless victims rounded up by the Germans and were brought to their deaths. No wants to die because they were left defenseless. No one wants to face death without a fight. No eyes would want to be left opened when their spirits leave their bodies. Another wall showed pictures with people lining, hundreds of people in the streets awaiting something I knew not. When I looked at the caption it said, â€Å"Search for Refuge†. Who would have thought that this happened only half a century ago? Only a few generations away are we fortunate enough not to have experienced searching for solace in any place they could find. Back then for these people, freedom was not a right but a luxury and death is always just a few steps behind. No person ever deserves to be compelled to search for security and no person deserves to be threatened to face annihilation. In the museum I saw pictures where a number of men were digging a hole. It seemed normal except that German soldiers were supervising these men. Then it dawned unto me that the very hole they were digging was their grave. Another similar picture shows a man sitting before another pit with a German soldier holding a gun against his head. Other members of the troops stood as spectators to the event without disdain. These German soldiers were otherwise known as the Einsatzgruppe or the â€Å"Killing Squads†. Their name suits them, only murderers deserve such a title. The most depressing part of the exhibitions in the museum was the Tower of Faces. Thousands of images stand erect across a three-floor high museum segment commemorating the individuals massacred by the Germans and their collaborators. Children with such Holocaust Memorial Museum 3 innocent eyes were the primary victims of this operation. Massive shootings in a span of three days killed more than 8000 Jews, leaving only 29 members of the community who were able to escape. Those who survived were nonetheless casualties, for the wounds that such events bring can never become scars, they would forever be fresh and would forever bleed. I knew little of the idea of eugenics, but in the museum, I was able to see a glimpse of the consequences of this terrible belief. I have heard of mice and guinea pigs experimented on for the sake of scientific progress. To some the idea is already inconceivable for having animals tested on is a terrible act of cruelty. How then would they react on the German doctors who performed experiments on live prisoners of the concentration and death camps of the Nazi regime? Children, specifically twins, were the primary interest of Nazi doctors. I would never forget the story of the gypsy twins who were dissected alive and cried for days until they died. No guardian of life should ever take life. No amount of reason would justify the sacrifice of life for the advancement of science. In my tour of the museum, what attracted me the most was the exhibit on the Jewish resistance against the genocide that is threatening to eliminate their race for eternity. No one then would have imagined Jews fighting back on the Germans. Even if they were not successful in defeating the enemy, history would forever honor them for their valor. Man should never lose the strength to survive and must never lose the courage to stand against the tempest. Many forgotten faces of men, women and children would remain buried in the mass graves of the war. They did not fall in the trenches or beachheads. They instead were shot or gassed in such an organized manner. We must forever remind the generations to come of what happened on those fields during those years of hell. We must remember and forever strive to prevent such atrocities from happening again.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Arthur Millers The Crucible Essay -- Arthur Miller Crucible Essays

Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" 'The Crucible' was written in 1952 by the twentieth century American playwright Arthur Miller (1915-.) Miller was born in New York and educated at the University of Michigan where he began to write plays. Most of Miller's plays are set in contemporary America and on the whole offer a realistic portrayal of life and society and the theme of self-realization is re-current e.g. John Proctor in 'The Crucible'. 'The Crucible' was the third play Miller wrote. It is a play about the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. It was used as a parable for McCarthyism in America in the 1950s. Miller's play 'The Crucible' has recently been made into a hugely successful film that stars Hollywood actress Winona Ryder showing its enduring themes. The play concentrates on key figures of the trials: Abigail Williams, Mary Warren, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor and Reverend Samuel Parris. These were all real people trapped in the devastation of the time. The disturbing storyline powerfully depicts people under pressure and certain issues involved, Senator Joseph McCarthy; an important figure in the USA in the 1950's is mentioned somewhat in 'The Crucible.' For instance; a certain similarity between the Salem Witchcraft Trials and McCarthyism was the fact that they both failed to make a plausible case against anyone, both their colourful and cleverly presented accusations drove people out of their jobs (and in 'The Crucible') and their towns and brought popular condemnation to others. The persecution of innocent souls is apparent in both Senator Joseph McCarthy's work and of 'The Crucible.' McCarthyism was when all left wing views were arraigned for un-American activiti... ...his essay. The witchcraft trials in Salem were remarkable, mainly for the numbers involved. Before the witchcraft hysteria was over the girls had pointed the finger at hundreds of supposed witches, not only in Salem but also in places far apart such as Andover and Charleston. They even accused people they did not know e.g. Abigail accused Hales wife whom she had never met. By October 1692 doubts had set in about the girl's testimony. In December 1692 Governor Phillips appointed a new session of the Superior Court of Judicature to clear the jails, and issued a general pardon to all persons still under suspicion. By this time, however, nineteen people had been hanged, one pressed to death under a pile of rocks (Giles Corey) for refusing to speak at his own trial, and at least two more people had died in prison, bringing the number of deaths to twenty-two.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Development of Speech Perception

Research had identified the foremost accomplishment of infancy and early childhood, and they are referring to language development. The milestones of linguistic achievement have been documented across cultures and suggest that infants follow a set of universal stages both in speech production and speech perception. On the stages in speech production shown by young infants in American English and other languages; a universal progression from cooing (1 to 4 months), to babbling (5 to 10 months), to meaningful speech (10 to 18 months) is shown (Ferguson, Menn, & Stoel-Gammon, 1992).Visual and auditory development is related with the development of speech perception. Infant vision is not that developed when they are born. They can see blurry vision but enable them to perceive familiar faces from unfamiliar ones. The infant is somewhat farsighted and has some degree of astigmatism because the retina is not yet fully developed. Newborn babies tend to have poor fixation capability, they hav e limited ability to discriminate color, limited visual fields, and an estimated visual acuity of somewhere between 20/200 and 20/400. ( http://www. tsbvi. edu/Education/infant/)Although visual progressions with infant are not that fully developed, it has been noted that they can recognize familiar faces already, especially with their mothers compared with strangers. As their visual perception improves, they begin to identify familiar faces especially the immediate families and began to respond my smiling to them. Infants started to become aware of his environment and begin to explore his world by gazing and started to become amaze with different colors especially the brighter ones compared before that they only see things in black and white.Aside from the visual perception, auditory system plays a vital role in speech development. Auditory system is more matured compared with visual system. It even started when baby is still inside the womb, when they recognize various sounds insid e the womb and even outside his environment like people voices, shower, and music. Thus, both visual and auditory leads to speech perception, and this even started when they are still fetuses, inside their mothers’ womb. Fetuses can even recognize their mothers’ voice, but not that familiar with their fathers’ voices.When the mother tells a story and sings to her unborn baby, when the baby is born and hears the story and music he hears he becomes familiar to it, and prefers to listen over and over again. It simply explains that familiarity to certain aspect plays an important role to infants learning. Newborns way of reacting to certain situations is through actions and making sound. When they are hungry or wet, they cry to let the mothers know what they need. When they like something they starts to smile and coo (like ah’s and oh’s).As infants started to grow, their speech also developed. They even began to babble, imitating how people speak. Thei r first few words could be â€Å"mama† or â€Å"dada† because they are already familiar with these words, and they are able to adapt and be able to express it by themselves. They can even respond to comforting tones, can distinguish recognizable voices and also responsive to changes in tone of voice, and to sounds other than speech. By the time they become toddlers, they can now speak and be able to convey what they want.Most of the words they know comes from the people within the environment, thus a good environment is encouraged to enable toddlers to learn â€Å"good† words. Because what they hear mostly, they adapt it and learned from it. Toddlers enjoy listening to music and even sing and dance to it. They like hearing stories and when accompanied with different tones of voice they become more amazed to it. They can already distinguish different body parts, and can name pictures in the book when asked. By the time they are already 3 – 4 years old, the y tend to ask questions and become more interested with several things.They begin to explore their own world by role playing, interacting with other kids and even conversing with adults. They start to combine 4 – 5 words and can make simple sentences. (â€Å"Child Development, p. 1067) now clearly express how they feel because they can already convey how they feel and they are easy to understand. When kids reached the age of 4 or 5, basic vocabulary and grammar have already been learned, this will continue to develop especially when they started to go to school.New words will be learned, although they are bombarded with more words they are able to perceive and learn from it. Slowly, their speech system has made a progress within few years. Families and environment are important factors in shaping one’s character through his speech. Speech not only pertains to what is being said rather it can also affect one’s character. A good character shines through his words , if it is filled with goodness and love, thus wisdom through his words could be attained to it. References: Cheour, M. Milestones of language development Development of Visual and Auditory Systems in Early Childhood Judith C. Goodman and Howard C. Nusbaum (1994)The Development of Speech Perception:The Transition from Speech Sounds to Spoken Words.The MIT Press Kuhl, P. K. (1983). Perception of auditory equivalence classes for speech in early infancy. Infant Behavior and Development, 6, 263–285. Child Development, July/August 2004, Volume 75, Number 4, Pages 1067–108   

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Macbeth – Notes on Elements of the Gothic in the play

* An Elizabethan audience would have been genuinely terrified by the events on stage as they believed that witches did exist, murder by witchcraft was made punishable in 1563 thus demonstrating that people during this era believed witches were real and had magical powers. * The theme of equivocation is used by Shakespeare to highlight the witch's evil nature; they use words with double meanings to confuse and disorientate Macbeth's thoughts and cause a conflict in his mind (between good and evil). * â€Å"the weird sisters† – whilst also meaning strange the word weird is derived from the old English ‘wyrd' which means fate or destiny, fate is often characterised as 3 old women. * Transformation * Macbeth is promoted to Thane of Cawdor by King Duncan, the audience have yet to meet Macbeth when Duncan makes this decision thus an impression of Macbeth as an honourable man is formed. The significance of this promotion is that Macbeth goes through a transformation from a brave soldier to a higher ranking, and more noble, position. * Macbeth's dramatic change in character is amplified in act 3 scene one as he attempts to annihilate Banquo, his close friend who he held in high respect at the start of the play. As the play progresses there is a steady breakdown of Macbeth's identity, causing him to be â€Å"not himself† by the end. A blurring of fantasy and reality * The line between fantasy and reality becomes blurred; the pinnacle point of this is in act two scene two after Macbeth enters from the murder. His piece of mind has been shattered as he feels that he has â€Å"murdered sleep†, there is no escape from his evil deeds as he has now become trapped in a living nightmare. To Macbeth (who comes over almost trance-like) he is just as vulnerable awake as asleep and to sleep would be too difficult because his mind has become corrupt with evil thoughts. (Macbeth becomes slightly hysterical during this scene as he struggles to make sense of what is happening to him, this is also an aspect of disorder) * â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me† – Macbeth appears tormented by his violent actions, which induce his tragic fall, it is after the murder of the king that he slowly evolves into a mad man who feels out of control with his mental state, it is corrupted thoughts that lead him to become power obsessed and thus a murderous, villainous man, his many delusions add to mounting suspense. (This also has links to transformation – transformation of the mind) Significant use of setting * Act one scene one opens with â€Å"Thunder and lightning† suggesting that the witches, who have gathered to talk about Macbeth, are somewhere outside. * The play is introduced as dark and dangerous, evil is introduced through the stormy weather that symbolises the disorder to come. * In act two scene four Ross and an old man talk about the stormy night, symbolising disruption in the kingdom, there is definite mystery as the location of the conversation is unclear, conversation takes place somewhere â€Å"outside the castle†. * â€Å"A camp near the battlefield† is the setting in act one scene two; a battlefield is a place where many people die, later in the play Macbeth becomes a murderer killing several people for un-just reasons. The king discusses the bravery shown by Macbeth and decides to reward him with the title Thane of Cawdor, he is being rewarded for killing here which could be a slight element of foreshadowing of his ability to kill for his own ends (merciless man).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Relationship between Childhood Understanding or Construction and Child Intervention

Relationship between Childhood Understanding or Construction and Child Intervention Introduction Childhood construction is a vital aspect in determining child intervention within the child protection system. Parents possess a natural responsibility to intervene in their children’s lives. Childhood is recognized as an important status by the religious and secular world. For example, throughout the ages, religious teachings have encouraged parents to protect their children from any kind of harm (Shonkof and Meisels 68).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship between Childhood Understanding or Construction and Child Intervention specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The need that adults posses of intervening in the lives of their children has shaped the way adults understand and construct childhood. There are many reasons why parents intervene in their children’s lives. First, they view childhood as a stage in life that is defined by helplessness and vulnerability, hence making it necess ary for them to offer protection to children (Shonkof and Meisels 70). Secondly, they view children as human beings who should enjoy their full human rights. Thirdly, they believe that investing in children by protecting them is investing in the success of the future society (Shonkof and Meisels 71). Many child interventions are determined by the construction of childhood as a vulnerable stage in human development that requires adult security. Ineffective construction of childhood promotes the idea that children as less knowledgeable and not deserving of power to make decisions. Discussion The perspective of adults and the perspective of young people lead to different childhood constructions. However, the understanding of childhood in both cases determines child intervention within the child protection system. For example, young people consider abuse as the use of power by adults to control the behaviour of children and young people (Mason and Falloon 9). As an intervention strategy , young people consider negotiation as an effective method of preventing child abuse. However, this may be ineffective because children consider the power to disclose cases of abuse as their right.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, they claim that it enables them to handle such situations appropriately (Mason and Falloon 9). Interventions based on the perspective of young people may be ineffective because young people may decide to conceal information regarding cases of abuse. Reasons for information concealment include intimidation and fear of harm by abusers. Research and literature on child abuse is mainly focused on the perspectives of adults. Children are considered as not being knowledgeable and as such, their opinions are of little or no help in formulating intervention programs (Mason and Falloon 12). This assumption has led to the marginalization of children as potential contributors in child intervention policies. The perspective has labeled child abuse as a social problem that should be solved by those in power and has contributed in aggravating the problem. Abusers are considered the abused, and the abused are considered the abusers (Mason and Falloon 9). It is important to take children’s opinions and perspectives into consideration. For example, a study by Parton et al (1997) found out that children’s opinions are only used to supplement adult opinions in child abuse cases. Ignoring the opinions of children has led to poor intervention programs. There is a distinct difference between children’s and adults’ perspectives of abuse. In order to provide effective intervention, it is important to consider children’s definition of abuse. Children define abuse as the subjection to adult power and control, emotional hurt, being looked down upon and being denied a chance to voice their opinions (B agnato 46). Children’s perspective is different from the adults’ perspective, which considers children as less knowledgeable and unable to determine what is good for themselves. This results in ineffective child intervention efforts. Adults should allow children to participate in discussions, give them freedom to choose what they want and take time to explain the consequences of the decisions that they make on their behalf (Bagnato 48). In addition, the views of children should be prioritized in interventions, and decisions should be made with the interests of the child as priority.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship between Childhood Understanding or Construction and Child Intervention specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A rights based approach constructs children as human beings who have rights that should be respected (Brambring et al 82). In addition, it considers children as important contr ibutors to society and as investments that are the foundation of the future. The 1994 Geneva Declaration and the 1959 United Nations Declaration were some of the first laws that offered child intervention, although in an inadequate way (Brambring et al 85). They constructed children as dependent on adults because they are weak. They clearly stipulated the value of children to society, and hence the need to protect them. The first law that applied the rights based approach was the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The treaty comprises 54 articles that give children various rights. These rights include social, economic, political and cultural rights (Shonkof and Meisels 98). For example, Article 12 gives children the right to be listened to and the right to be involved in any decision making process that affects them (Brambring et al 89). This leads to participation, a concept that recognizes children as part of the society, and as persons with rights that should be respected. The participation concept constructs children as human beings with rights and responsibilities. This perspective delegates certain responsibilities to children and other responsibilities to adults in order to strike a balance (James et al 52). The rights based approach encourages children to participate in decision making through expressing their views and opinions. In most cases, adults make the final decision in cases that involve child intervention. However, these decisions should include the views and opinions of children. The participation approach has many benefits that make it an efficient approach to child intervention. It helps children protect themselves because by voicing their opinions, they avoid situations that could amount to abuse (James et al 55). Children who are encouraged to express their views are able to challenge situations that abuse their rights. Therefore, children are less vulnerable to abuse when they are encouraged to express themsel ves (James 109). This approach is beneficial and effective. However, it has many drawbacks. First, adults may take the rights of children lightly because many cultures place little value on the rights of children. Secondly, adults may refuse to give children power to participate in decision making because they believe that they know what is god for their children (James et al 58). Many adults feel that by giving children power, they encourage them to be disrespectful.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The idealistic perspective constructs childhood as a human development stage that is a period of innocence and carefree behaviours. This perspective stipulates that children should not be given adult responsibilities such as involvement in decision-making processes (James 122). Proponents of the idealistic perspective discourage the participation of children in intervention decisions and as such, influence child intervention negatively. Failing to involve children in decision making discourages them from expressing their opinions on matters that are important to them. This approach is ineffective because children’s understanding of abuse is different from adults’ understanding of abuse. As such, adults make decisions that do not align with the needs and rights of children. Conclusion Childhood construction is a critical aspect in determining child intervention in the child protection system. Parents possess a natural urge to intervene in their children’s lives. Childhood construction takes several approaches depending on how it is understood. Many child interventions are determined by the construction of children as vulnerable, weak and in need of protection. Other constructions view children as valuable human beings who have rights and form the foundation for the future. In order to provide effective intervention, it is important to consider children’s definition of abuse. Some adults consider children as less knowledgeable and unable to determine what is good for themselves. This results in ineffective child intervention efforts that fail to fully protect children from abuse. To ensure that child interventions are effective, adults should allow children to participate in discussions concerning child intervention, give children freedom to choose what they want, and take time to explain the consequences of the decisions that they make on their behalf. The participation concept constructs children as human beings with rights and resp onsibilities. This perspective delegates certain responsibilities to children and others to adults in order to create a balance. The approach encourages children to participate in decision making through expressing their views and opinions. Efficient childhood construction views children as valuable human beings with rights and in need of protection. Bagnato, Stephen. Authentic Assessment for Early Childhood Intervention: Best  Practices. New York: Guilford Press, 2009. Print. Brambring, Michael, Rauh, Hellgard, and Belmann, Andeas. Early Childhood  Intervention: Theory, Evaluation and Practice. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1996. Print. James, Allison and James, Adrian. Constructing Childhood: Theory, Policy and Social  Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Print. James, Allison. Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in  the Sociological Study of Childhood. New York: Routledge, 1997. Print. Mason, Jan and Falloon, Jan. A Children’s Pe rspective on Child Abuse. Children  Australia, 24.3 (1999): 9-13. Print. Shonkof, Jack, and Meisels, Samuel. Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention. London: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Personal Essay

Personal Essay Personal Essay Personal Essay Writing a personal essay you should remember about its purpose. The purpose of personal essay writing is to express your personal opinion about   an issue, problem, situation, etc. Writing an essay remember about the audience.   Do not write for a teacher!   When you read your own personal essay, you should understand yourself and your ideas.   It is also recommended to ask a friend or a relative to read your personal essay aloud.   Thus, you will notice the mistakes and gaps in flow you have probably missed before. Make your personal essay writing fresh and lively. It must differ from essays written by other students. Do not write personal essays in a company of other students!   Make yourself memorable! If you succeed in writing memorable essay you 100% distinguish yourself from other students and get a good grade on it. Write your personal essays logically, describing the line of events. Tell what you know, make some research, if needed; write an essay i n academically accepted format. Avoid cliches writing personal essays. Personal Essays: freedom of speech in Australia Please, read essay example about freedom of speech. ...The achievement of free speech in general and legal free speech in particular is never complete, nor should it be. The light beckoning at the end of the tunnel is often a mirage or a firefly briefly lighting the path of those relatively few souls who make legal matters the object of their contemplations and, especially, their outspoken criticism. Sometimes, there is indeed light that will only in very few instances mean the emergence, albeit temporarily, from the tunnel. More often than not, the light signifies no more than a turning or a twist or a light vent in a tunnel, which for the vast majority of societies in the West will seemingly never end in the sunlight of a vital, dynamic, and responsible system of free speech in the legal domain, a system that responds to the needs of a democratic society and also responds to the protection of certain other vital interests of the individual in a humane society. In most respects, one society has to a significant extent em erged in the sunlight of a system of legal free speech that is responsive to the needs of a free society, especially because of the theory of the law as handed down by its highest court. The same holds true concerning unfettered access to information about legal matters... Did you like the above example?   Would you like to write an impressive personal essay?   You may take advantage of our writing service!   We know how to write an excellent personal essay for you and we are working hard to meet the requirements of all clients.   No papers are delivered late!   Refunds are guaranteed! We write custom term paper, custom research paper, and provide coursework services on any topic!