Friday, May 31, 2019

AIDS Resistance Genes :: Biology

The WhatAIDS researchers have recently uncovered a genetic trait that may provide protection against human immunodeficiency virus-1. A defect that could account for unexplained cases of individuals that seem to have an immunity or protection against HIV-1. They are calling the trait an AIDS Resistance broker. What is an AIDS-Resitance Gene? This is just one of the questions our group inquired about when we began our investigations into the latest of AIDS research.AIDSAcquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS, is a serious disease that becomes more(prenominal) and more reciprocal in our nation and around the world. AIDS is defined by certain criteria established by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based on research lab evidence such as T4 cell count, the presence of certain diseases, and other conditions.WHAT CAUSES AIDS?This disease is caused by the virus known as Human Immunodeficiency computer virus Type 1 (HIV-1) (Structure of HIV), which attacks cells in the immune system, leading to the systems in great power to resist harmful organisms. It damages the cells in the immune system, causing the body to lose the ability to fight off infections and diseases. During the course of infection, CD4 T-cells (a special type of infection-fighting white line of work cells) are disabled and killed as their numbers decline.From 1981, when the first cases of AIDS were reported, through mid-1995, more than 476,000 individuals had contracted AIDS in the U.S. More than 295,000 of these individuals died. These numbers do not include those infected with HIV. Without symptoms of AIDS, nearly 1 million Americans have been infected with HIV through the mid-1990s. An estimated 19 million individuals world-wide have been infected with AIDS since the late 1970s.HistoryResearch has lead some to believe that HIV arose in Africa from retroviruses of monkeys. It is express that urbanization and the change in traditional lifestyles brought HIV-1 to the cit ies. It then spread to other parts of the world. However, it is proven that HIV-1 has been in circulation since 1959, because antibodies to HIV-1 have been detected in stored frozen blood samples taken from individuals in Zaire in 1959 and the United States in 1968. AIDS was first officially detected in the United States in 1981 in upstart York and California. In 1981 doctors found what they thought was a rare form of cancer called Kaposis Sarcoma in many males. These patients also had signs of a type of pneumonia called Pneumocystits which occurs when ones immune system is not functioning well.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Battle Of The Little Big Horn :: essays research papers

The journey of exploration to the western territories brought the white man many great things, but they did face roughly opposition. The US government made plans to explore the Black Hills, after hearing of the gold it contained. This was not an easy task. The Sioux, with strong force, were not giving up their taboo land easily. The only way to gain the territory of the Black Hills was to wage war against the Sioux. The Battle of the Little Big Horn was one battle that the US will never forget. worldwide George Custer led an army of men to take out the Sioux, one of the battalions was completely wiped out including Custer. The Sioux were very strong, but US had a lot more power and technology. Why did we get massacred? This question has been a mystery to many people throughout the years. Sergeant Windolph, of Benteens cavalry, and John F. Finerty, from General Crooks cavalry, bring us some personal accounts and memories of this tragedy.There are many factors that did affect the o utcome of this battle. George Custer could be to blame for such a tragedy. He did bind the critical decisions that brought his soldiers down. Custers personal ambition got the best of him. Windolph explains, Custer was parti bothy disgraced because General Terry had superseded him in command of the expedition (Windolph 174). He felt that he should have received control over the entire expedition. Custer made no secret of his intention to cut loose from Terry. General Terry, General Gibbon, and General Custer were all to meet on June 26, at the Rosebud, and plan their attack. But as soon as Custer struck the trail of the Indians he followed it till he came upon the Indian colonisation on June 25. He disobeyed Terrys orders.While Terry and Gibbon were meeting in Rosebud, Custer was already dividing his regiment into three separate battalions. Sergeant Windolph, from Renos battalion, recalls The enemy increased so greatly in numbers that we were forced into the timber for protection, but I firmly believe that if, at that moment, all our companies had been unitedly the Indians would have been driven from their village (Windolph 166).If Custer had not separated his troops into three battalions, they might have left victorious over the Sioux. Windolph also states that The Indians also verbalize that the separate detachments made their victory over the troops more certain (Windolph 161).

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Analysis of the Canadian Human Rights Act :: Human Rights Canada Alcohol Trade Essays

Analysis of the Canadian Human Rights ActThe Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and perceived disability. disability includes those with a previous or existing dependence on alcohol or a drug. Perceived disability may include an employers cognition that a persons use of alcohol or drugs makes him or her unfit to work. Because they cannot be established as bona fide occupational requirements, the following types of exam atomic number 18 not acceptable Pre-employment drug mental testing Pre-employment alcohol testing Random drug testing Random alcohol testing of employees in non-safety-sensitive positions.The following types of testing may be included in a workplace drug- and alcohol-testing program, but only if an employer can demonstrate that they are BONA FIDE OCCUPATIONAL REQUIREMENTS RANDOM ALCOHOL interrogatory OF EMPLOYEES IN SAFETY SENSITIVE POSITIONS Alcohol testing has been found to be a reasonable requ irement because alcohol testing can indicate genuine impairment of ability to perform or fulfill the essential duties or requirements of the job. Random drug testing is prohibited because, given its technical limitations, drug testing can only detect the presence of drugs and not if or when an employee may have been impaired by drug use. DRUG OR ALCOHOL TESTINIG FOR levelheaded CAUSE OR POST-ACCIDENT where there are reasonable grounds to believe there is an underlying problem of substance abuse or where an accident has occurred collectible to impairment from drugs or alcohol, provided that testing is a ploughshare of a broader program of medical assessment, monitoring and support. PERIODIC OR RANDOM TESTING FOLLOWING divine revelation OF A CURRENT DRUG OR ALCOHOL DEPENDENC /ABUSE PROBLEM may be acceptable if tailored to individual circumstances and as part of a broader program of monitoring and support. Usually, a designated rehabilitation provider will determine wheth er follow-up testing is necessary for a particular individual. MANDATORY manifestation OF PRESENT OR PAST ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY/ABUSEmay be permissible for employees holding safety-sensitive positions, within certain limits, and in concert with allowance measures. Generally, employees not in safety-sensitive positions should not be required to disclose past alcohol or drug problems.Under these limited circumstances where testing is justified, employees who test positive must be accommodated to the point of undue hardship. The Canadian

Business Social Responsibility :: Social Responsibility Essays

According to Riahi (2009), organisations (FirstGroup plc etc) can in fact be deemed as social units deliberately constructed to seek specific goal. In such respect, pass on resonating catalytic for pro and pessimistic dialogue Milton Friedman argued within a 1970 young York Times magazine article that the only social responsibility of furrow, is to increase its profits. The corporation, he wrote in his book, Capitalism & Freedom, is an instrument of the stockholders who own it, if the corporation makes a contribution, it prevents the separate stockholders from himself deciding how he should dispose of his funds. (M. Porter, M. Kramer, 2003). Accordingly to their view, companies such as FirstGroup plc and Emerlad Energy plc would be undeniably misusing the resources entrusted to them as they engage in corporate social responsibility. In utter contrast, Heilbroner, on the other hand, betokens stockholders as no longer a significant source of venture capital, merely a peaceful hol der of certificate of varying degrees of risk & potential return, with little knowledge of the real performance of his corporation. Surely the other stakeholders deserve some return? (N. Smith, 1990) further underpinning businesses and its proprietors to comply with societal values & take an active role on society as this is in line with the long term interest of business ( P Griseri, N. Seppola, 2009) for e.g. whether it could be suggested as FirstGroups 1.8 million community contribution, particularly, training of the local indigenous population can in some factor be deemed as a rather integral part of the companys strategical CSR focal objective of the firms differentiation strategy. In addition, studies linking strategic investment to CSR (in particular, the resourced travelling bagd view) have previously suggested that specialised skills or capabilities related to investment in CSR can lead to firm specific competitive advantages ( J. Frynas,2009) findings suggest firms with socially responsible practices have higher valuation and lower risk as investment in improving responsible employee relations, environmental policies, and product strategies contributes easily to reducing firms cost of equity (Ghoul et al 2010). The capital market equilibrium prototype of Merton (1987, p. 500) implies that increasing the relative size of a firms investor base will result in lower cost of capital and higher market value for the firm. In a similar vein, Heinkel et al. (2001) develop an equilibrium model that implies that when fewer investors hold the stock of a firm, the opportunities for risk diversification are reduced and hence the firms cost of capital will be higher.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Artificial Contraception :: essays research papers fc

There be many forms of artificial contraception. I am going to discuss rough of those forms and the Churchs opinion. Condoms, or pencil erasers, are shaped like a balloon and are made of a special kind of rubber. Condoms prevent sperm from reaching the cervix. They are placed over the staminates erect penis before intercourse. They are 80-90% rough-and-ready. No prescription is needed to use them. They protect against STDs. They are more protective in preventing AIDS, wherefore preventing pregnancy. They are not fully effective because they can break, have defects, be slippery, or it can be too old. Spermicides such as creams, foams, vaginal supporsitones, and vaginal film form a chemical barrier that kills or makes the sperm inactive, which makes it impossible to become pregnant. They are 80% effective. It is available without a prescription and provides some STD protection. Effectiveness is increased if used with condoms. Vasectomies are common for men. The tube that carrie s the sperm is cut and tied which prevents sperm from being ejaculated. It is 99% effective This procedure is durable and is done through a small incision near the testicles. It does not affect sexual arousal. A cervical cap is a soft rubber dome that forms a barrier to prevent sperm from reaching the cervix. The spermicidal gel kills the sperm. It is 85% effective. It may give some protection against chlamydia and gonorrhea. The diaphragm does the similar thing as a cervical cap and is 85% effective. It is a flat rubber-like disk which has to be fitted from a doctor. It is placed inside the womans vagina before having intercourse. It is often used with cream or jelly that is placed around the edge of the diaphragm. There is a very high failure pasture because sometimes they are not fitted or inserted correctly. They create fewer health risks for women. It may reduce the risk of cervical cancer and provides some STD protection. There are also injections for men and women. In men, a drug is injected into the sperm duct to disable the sperm for a period of time. Depo-Provera injections that contain the hormone, progesterone is injected and it prevents the release of an globe from the ovary. It is 99% effective. It is long lasting and highly effective. It also protects against uterine cancer. But it does not protect against STDs. Female condoms are 75-85% effective but 95% effective if used correctly.

Artificial Contraception :: essays research papers fc

There ar many forms of artificial contraception. I am going to discuss some of those forms and the performs opinion. Condoms, or rubbers, argon shaped like a balloon and are made of a special kind of rubber. Condoms prevent sperm from range the cervix. They are placed over the males erect penis before intercourse. They are 80-90% effective. No prescription is needed to use them. They protect against STDs. They are more protective in preventing AIDS, then preventing pregnancy. They are not fully effective because they can break, have defects, be slippery, or it can be likewise old. Spermicides such as creams, foams, vaginal supporsitones, and vaginal film form a chemical barrier that kills or makes the sperm inactive, which makes it impossible to become pregnant. They are 80% effective. It is available without a prescription and provides some STD protection. Effectiveness is increased if used with condoms. Vasectomies are common for men. The tube that carries the sperm is cut and tied which prevents sperm from being ejaculated. It is 99% effective This procedure is permanent and is done through a small incision near the testicles. It does not affect sexual arousal. A cervical cap is a soft rubber dome that forms a barrier to prevent sperm from reaching the cervix. The spermicidal gel kills the sperm. It is 85% effective. It may prove some protection against chlamydia and gonorrhea. The diaphragm does the same thing as a cervical cap and is 85% effective. It is a flat rubber-like disk which has to be fitted from a doctor. It is placed inside the womans vagina before having intercourse. It is often used with cream or jelly that is placed around the edge of the diaphragm. There is a very high failure rate because sometimes they are not fitted or inserted correctly. They create fewer health risks for women. It may reduce the risk of cervical cancer and provides some STD protection. There are also injections for men and women. In men, a drug is injected into t he sperm duct to disable the sperm for a close of time. Depo-Provera injections that contain the hormone, progesterone is injected and it prevents the release of an egg from the ovary. It is 99% effective. It is long lasting and highly effective. It also protects against uterine cancer. But it does not protect against STDs. Female condoms are 75-85% effective but 95% effective if used correctly.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Learning Skill Essay

Q1. Write an essay on why you decided to continue your tertiary education. In your purpose also include why WOU was your choice of university. Every genius hope to live in better or luxury life, so do I. But holding solely diploma in accounting would not grant me any further opportunity in the fact that nowadays the employers are so arduous and facial expression forward for more competent and capable candidate. Therefore I pretend up my mind to pursue higher(prenominal) education for a better go advancement and keep the skills and knowledge up to date. Continuing tertiary education can enhance my marketable skills.Advance to degree means that I cultivation new skills. A set of skills imparted from this course will help me in the current society. These skills also help me to perform better in my current career, make me more competitive and have the opportunity for promotions (Girl 2014). Tertiary education also increases my earning potential (Girl 2014). In the current career mark et, the higher your education, the higher your position and the higher your pay (Harrison 2013). From Jobstreet salary report, a finance manager earnings average from RM5,800 to RM8,600 per month (JobStreet. com 2014).In current economy, higher earning is important for a better alive life. Continuing my education will gives me advanced knowledge about my area of study. From researching assignments and advanced courses, I will gain additional knowledge relates to my career. Learning from open experts, I will also earn a reputation as an expert in my field too (Harrison 2013). Choosing WOU as my choice as it suits for my irregular study and more flexible. It provides me to study online and have distance learning (University 2014). WOU cuts down my travelling time and cost and only attend classes once a month.I am able to choose the course and plan to study that suits my time that provided by WOU. Other than education, WOU is a place where I can enhance my paid skills and gaining k nowledge from the lecturers and students which will makes me become a more valuable and marketable in my career. It is never too late to go back to study. I appreciates that WOU is one of the online study provider that let me study with ease and continuing my education which can fit my studies, working and social life. I can have a degree without having to commit to campus life and receive the degree from my home (Girl 2014).

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Need vs Want Essay

There are N number of fruits under various categories in the market. But how many a(prenominal) of them are productive is a fact that ineluctably to be analyzed. The customer can view only the end product. But the actual fact asshole the success of the product is invisible to the customer. One of the most important factors that lead to the success of the product is Marketing. The term marketing revolves around three basic principles Needs, regards and demands. It is actually important to understand the difference among the three before identifying the unavoidably and wants of our representatives Mountain dew, Nike shoes and IPod. Needs Human regards are basic requirements Human needs are the basic requirements and include food clothing and shelter.Wants Wants are a step ahead of needs and are largely dependent on the needs of the human worlds. For example, you may want chocolates only when the basic need is food. Demands A step ahead of wants is demands. When an individual wants something which is premium, but he also has the ability to demoralize it, then these wants are converted to demands. Having mum the difference among needs wants and demands, let us analyze the Needs versus Wants of Mountain Dew, Nike Shoes and IPod.A product becomes successful when the customer is attracted by it. The first striking feature is how the product is presented. The attractive green color label and the name of the product scores rightly. Added to it, it is marketed by notable film stars like Salman Khan and Mahesh Babu. This advertising factor alone will drive people to buy Mountain Dew. The customers basic need here in this context would be a drink which has good taste, which is small and affordable, which has the reasonable quality for the money that he pays. This need factor is changed to want when this product is visually appealing and instigates one to buy this product. This appeal is created by the label, logo and the advertisement as stated earlier.Brande d products are the most wanted in the market at any given point in time. But one has to understand that the brand got established in the market with its quality. Nike is an example of such a top range product which has the skill to meet the customer wants and needs. The customers need of shoes aligns to a point where he gets the much wanted comfort. Nike will be the first choice as the name itself serves as the guarantee. There are variety of designs and features across the product balance the comfort factor as well.They help enhance the physical strength by best enabling the body, perform its best while exercising and jogging. The terra firmas best athletes who represent in Olympics go for Nike. This exemplifies the quality and the comfort which fulfils the wants of the customer. Yet again Nike fulfils the customers needs being comfortable and affordable, wants being fashionable and varieties to choose from. The customer feels great and proud to use the product because the shoes not only reflect ones reputation but also prove to be appealing and performing.The factors discussed for the above two products holds good for IPods as well. Apple product holds the highest brand value in the world market. The attach to was a pioneer in introducing a stratagem which is small, compact and portable yet offers mobile on the go music. Music addicts and lovers needs were rightly understood and thus the product made a history in its reputation and sales. An individual who wants to stay connected to music would need a quality device which enables him or her listen to music.Besides meeting this common expectation, Apple made listening to music interesting but adding its own flavor of brand, quality, style and varieties. The product comes in so many customized fashions that every(prenominal)one would have one to choose from. The wide range of products like iPod shuffle, iPod nano, iPod mini, iPod touch, iPod shuffle etc, it satisfies a wide range of customers form incom patible categories as well. Not just the product, even the accessories are so stylish and they serve multipurpose apart from music that people would want to buy an iPod in their lifetime once. Such needs and wants of the customers made the company grow beyond just meeting the customers expectation and come with new features every time. entirely these summarize and narrow down to the fact that for a company to be successful and to survive in the market race for a lengthy time maintaining its reputation and quality, it has to always be able to meet the needs of the customers, which are the basic requirement of the product like purpose, quality and affordability, and wants of the customers, which would reflect their personality, style, conceit and reputation. Ultimately the customer decides if he or she buys the product. In order to convince the customer buy the product, there has to be the perfect balance of the needs and wants requirements. All the three example companies have unde rstood this basic principle and have made a perfect blend of the requirements to offer the best product to the customer. When a customer is impressed with a product, he or she establishes a bond to the company which cannot be broken than easily. Both the company and the customers are mutually benefitted by this. Company makes profit and the customer is happy

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Reflection Paper on Revitalizing the Federal Government for the 21st Century

A Reflection Paper on Revitalizing the Federal Government for the twenty-first Century This is a reflection paper on the recommendations proposed in the Revitalizing the Federal Government for the twenty-first century history by the National electric chargeary post on the Public Service (Volcker care).The Volcker fit, comprised of members from the three major political parties, recognizes the importance of disciplined policy direction, operational flexibility, and clear and high performance standards as direct objectives (The National Commission on the Public Service NCPS, 2003) for an organisational restructuring within the federal government to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This author agrees with the commission in that no such undertaken has occurred since the Hoover Commission some 50 years ago.It articulates in my view a comprehensive plan to reclaim the dignity once associated with everyday usefulness, and if effectively utilized could re-establish trust i n the midst of the American domain and its government. The decline in confidence sh atomic number 18d by many Americans in the capability of federal personnel to carry out the tasks of human race service must be addressed. The National Commission on the Public Service (Volcker Commission) recognized this need and published a 2003 report on the public service sector titled Urgent Business for America Revitalizing the Federal Government for the 21st Century.The report, a collective collaboration between veteran government employees, drew upon their knowledge and the expertise of outside sources from every political affiliation to address challenges that plague the obligingized service sector in the 21st century. The members of the commission focused on seven key areas which are the relationship between the government and the American public, organizational disorder, one size fits all management, vanishing talent, personnel systems, and labor-management conflict (NCPS, 2003).This author considers trust as the main component of any relationship and agrees with the commission that the distrust between the American people and the government is contributing to the decay of public service. The commission realized that that the policy changes need to combat the problems associated with public service in the 21st century get out take a collaborative effort between the citizens of American and government.I agree with the commission that there is no quick get down that the government shares the blame for the negative perception, and must make every effort possible to regain that trust by sufficiently improving its performance. The organizational expression within the civil service sector was another focal point in the commissions report. The members recommended that the federal government should be reorganized into a limited morsel of mission- link up executive departments (NCPS, 2003, p. 14).The commission points out that most public servants are perplexed as to the application and significance of their agencys undertaking and more a great deal than not departments share responsibilities that could be combined to form one cohesive unit. For example, I run aground it very disturbing that as many as 12 different agencies share the responsibility of administering over 35 food safety laws (NCPS, 2003). The disarray with organizational structure also presents the problem of effectively managing the mission of these separate agencies. The commission notes that nine agencies operate 27 teen pregnancy programs come back to.It is my opinion that the solution given by the commission to group connect missions under the same organizational structure would enhance employees sense of purpose and loyalty, provide opportunities for advancement and reduce waste of limited resources (NCPS, 2003). One size push not fit all this entire cookie cutter approach to agency structure and management practices is no longer viable. The needs of the American publi c are far more complex and vary significantly than those confronted by civil service reformers of the past.Because the tasks performed by public servants range so greatly it is no longer feasible to assume that a single approach to management will be effective in every instance. The commission members make a valid point in that excellent performance requires organizational leadership and culture that fit the mission, not just a single theory of politics (NCPS, 2003, p. 8). The future of attracting and retaining highly qualified workers in the public service profession appears bleak.The prestige and sense of accomplishment once considered attributes or incentives of public sector usance is on a sharp decline amongst American citizens. This can be attributed to many factors such as inadequate work conditions, differential in public versus private sector salaries, personal safety, and the opportunity for advancement. The two I plant most interesting were the requirements for disclos ure of personal information and the application process. Ethics regulations are enacted by Congress to ensure the integrity of federal employees.It is a given than more that 250,000 federal employees must make yearly disclosure of the full inside information of their personal finances (NCPS, 2003). While I agree that such laws are necessary I also think the process can be limited as not to encompass so many employees. As the commission states Congress needs to make federal ethics rules cleaner, simpler, and more directly related to the goals they are intended to achieve (NCPS, 2003, p. 22). The application process within the civil service sector is another deterrent that I agree with the commission on could be streamlined to expedite the procedure.Those applying for public sector business find this process tedious and more than more complicated than that of the private sector and typically get faster responses private employers. Personnel management systems in public service were originally designed to promote equity among the workforce. The truth of the matter is equalize allowance for equal work is no longer realistic. This concept is antiquated because of the sophisticated high level tasks performed by some government agencies. The recommendation of the commission is to eradicate the General Schedule classification system.This system has become too cumbersome to administer to guarantee equity in compensation this system will always require constant tinkering to define equal work so that it can ensure equal pay (NCPS, 2003). What the commission has suggested, and what I agree with, is a broadband system under which the current 15 pay grades are consolidate into six to eight broad bands with wider salary ranges (NCPS, 2003). This would give managers the flexibility to fix based on capability and performance, and design personnel systems that best sustains the mission of the organization.The Commission notes that there are three very distinct factors that determine pay for the overwhelming majority of federal workers how an individual job fits into the General Schedule classification system, geographical location of the job, and the employees time in service (NCPS, 2003). I was disturbed by the fact that the quality of the work performed was frequently disregarded as a standard. It has to frustrating for workers who provide a high quality of service to be judged on the same merits as those of poor performers.The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 was enacted to reward bonuses, merit pay and performance commendations to high execute civil servants (NCPS, 2003). This is ra bank the case because of insufficient funds or an evaluation system that acts more as a rubber stamp than an effective heart and soul of evaluation. Managers routinely were allocating funds as a means to compensate equitably across the board, and not as inducements or rewards for top achievers. This is an area of reform which much attention should be given.It is irr ational to believe that high performing employees do not pick up the slack for poor performers. It has been my experience that management comes to rely on this (as long as the work is getting through) instead of dealing with poor performers appropriately. This attitude does nothing but destroy the morale of the unit as a whole. The last area of concentration by the Volcker Commission was the conflict between labor and management. The commission believes, as do I, that it is entirely possible to break the public sector without jeopardizing the fundamentals of the merit system (NCPS, 2003).I agree that political affiliation should not be a factor for determining employment within the civil service sector, and that individuals employed by this sector should not be subject to arbitrary discipline or dismissal based on political affliction. I also agree that labor- management collaboration can coexist within the federal government. Numerous recommendations made to the president and Cong ress. What I found surprising about the report is that the commission instead of focusing exclusively on changes to the public service sector de right to voted much attention to a restructuring of the executive branch of government.Moreover, it calls for The House and Senate to realign their committee oversight to match the mission driven reorganization of the executive branch (NCPS, 2003, p. 17) which is no small accomplishment given the current political climate. The commission also made several other controversial proposals, for example, the President and Congress should work together to drastically decrease the number of executive branch positions (NCPS, 2003).In calling for an immediate and significant increase in judicial, executive, and legislative salaries, the commission also recognizes the long-standing reluctance of members of Congress to vote for a pay increase for themselves (NCPS, 2003). The report calls upon Congress to break the statutory link between their salarie s and those of judges and senior political appointees (NCPS, 2003). While I found the report be very cohesive and comprehensive, a nd a blueprint for a more efficient government and better quality of civil service employees I also felt several issues were not adequately addressed.Although, the repot does present sufficient advice as to restructuring organizational and management systems within the federal government it fails to address the core problems affecting the delivery of public services. Primarily too often federal agencies simply dont have the resources they need to meet mission requirements an emphasis on pay compression for top ranking government positions overlooks the impact of pay disparities on front-line workers and much more needs to be done to address the negative impact of contracting out (Palguta, 2003).While the commissions report appropriately focuses on leadership in government as a primary winding area of concern, it tends to define leadership too narrowly a s those individuals at the top of the organization. First-line supervisors and mid-level managers are a vital component of the leadership team. Finally, while agreeing that greater management flexibility is needed, there must also be balanced with reasonable safeguards to ensure the basic merit principles are maintained (Palguta, 2003). References The National Commission on the Public Service. (2003). Urgent business for America evitalizing the federal government for the 21st century. Retrieved from http//docs. google. com/viewer? a=v&q=cacheKSnwxENfsmQJwww. brookings. e du/gs/cps/volcker/reportfinal. pdf+ urgent+business+for+america+revitalizing+the +federal+government+for+the+21st+century Palguta, John M. Revitalizing the Federal Government for the 21st Century Presenting differing perspectives on the report of the National Commission on the Public Service (Volcker II). (Opinion Roundtable Volcker II). The Public Manager 32. 1 (2003) 7+. Academic OneFile. Web. 6 Feb. 2011.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Education Essay

Some students apply for admission only to their first-choice school, while others apply to several schools. Which scheme do you agree with, and why? Be sure to include details and examples to support your opinion.I am of the opinion that is better to apply to several schools kinda of only to your first-choice school. I think that this plan gives you more options to be accepted in iodin university, help you mitigate your applications and open you other opportunities that you could not mystify considered.I think that applying to just peerless school is very risky. Probably, you first-choice school is one of the best of the country so it receives a lot of applications each division and the selection process is extremely competitive. Therefore, you have to consider that the odds of not being accepted are high. If this is the case, you will have to wait until the next course of study to go to the university. I think that taking this risk is unnecessary and you avoid it by simply a pplying to more than one school.Secondly, doing all the paper work for divergent universities lets you improve your applications. As different universities ask you to write about different aspects of your personality, interests, goals, etc. you learn more about yourself. As a result, you can improve all your applications, especially the one for your first-choice school, and your chances to be admitted increase.Finally, doing the application process for other schools than your first-option school lets you know other universities. Sometimes, when you finish high school, you just consider one university. This might be the one where your parents or brother go, and the one which your favorite professor recommended you. However, there could be other good universities with different academic curricula and more or less of these other schools could even fit to your goals and interest better. Exploring and applying to other schools, give you the opportunity to learn more about these other s chools.Therefore, I think that applying to more than one schools have many advantages. It is a less risky plan, lets you improve your application and open you to new opportunities in other schools. Moreover, the cost of this plan is low because at a time you have done one applications, the following ones are much easier and takes far less time.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Explain how an organisation could ensure its staff selection procedure promotes equal opportunities

An composition advise ensure the selection bear upon to making sure it is non-discriminatory. This means that all staff are selected by their ability in work ethics and their resume rather than protected characteristic, such as age, marital status, sexual orientation, race, disability, religion and etc. For example, an wonderer cannot choose a candidate based on their race. All candidate are given a fair interrogate procedure. This can be d superstar by the interview panel being mixed, having pre-listed questions or having interviews at different times and an accessible location.When regarding advertisement the organisation would need to focus on making their broadcast is assorted in hallow for it to be open up to the wide audience. The advertisement should not be limited to particular cultures or language. It should be based on the candidate resume and work ethic. Therefore, it is vital that the organisation are aware of the language they are using when advertising. The orga nisation having mixed panel would enable an agree chance for the interviewee because the others might balance it out and focus on the skills and qualities of the interviewee.The mixed panel consists of having a diverse panel, such as gender, culture, disability, age and ethnicity. By having a mixed gender and culture panel can ensure that the interviewee is protected from prejudice viewpoint. An example to show the effectiveness of mixed panel interview in a selection procedure would be one interviewer having a prejudice feeling towards the interviewee and hopefully, the others can balance it. Thus creating a fairer interview for the interviewee. The one-to-one interview can cause hostility and less fairness than a mixed panel because it enables the interviewer to be in control.Whilst mixed panel has a majority decision. A second interview process that the organisation would use to bring about sure that their staff selection procedure is equal is having pre-listed questions. Pre-s et questions make sure that everyone being interviewed is asked the selfsame(prenominal) questions in order to promote equality. It made sure that the interviewer cannot ask questions that discriminate against the interviewee. For example, women being asked their being asked about their marital status. A pre-listed question would make it equal and easy to judge between the interviewees because all of the candidates would be asked the same questions.Therefore, eliminating prejudice or discriminatory questions the interviewee may be asked by the interviewer. This is because pre-listed questions are already resolved questions. Thus making it standardised and more equal for the interviewees because they would be all be asked the same questions and none of them would be discriminated or given special treatment. The finale interview procedure is having an interview at different times and if possible for the organisation to have its inaccessible locations.Interviews should be held in a range of times. This would given that everyone has the time to go for an interview. It is not limiting the return of interviewees. Avoiding different slots such as 3pm-4pm due to parents picking up their children from school. For the location, it is not necessary to have five different locations but the location should be clear and if possible in more than one place. Wheelchair users should be able to access the building in order to give them an equal chance of applying for the seam.Thus making sure that the organisation is promoting equality in their staff selection procedure. When advertising for job applicants the organisation to make sure that there advert is not gender restricted. This means that the advert should not be seeking one gender over the other. Using one word such as waitresses needed can imply that the applicants must only be female rather than a mixed gender. To overcome this the organisation should use unisex words to describe professions, such as doctors, act ors, teachers, bar worker and etc.By doing this the organisation would not be limiting the number of applicants because they have opened the advertisement to both genders. It is vital that an organisation is aware of the advertising platform they are using because if they were to advert in specific send which would limit those that are not familiar with it. For example, if the organisation choose to advertise in a French newspaper. This would disadvantage those that want to apply for a job that is not familiar with the newspaper.Nevertheless, the advert should not demand a soul that has a mother tongue that is French. This is due to that there are people that can speak fluently in French, however, their native tongue is not of French. The advert should head in a direction that says a looking for a person fluent in French. This would enable people with knowledge in French to apply. In general, the organisation should be aware of the language they use when advertising and the platf orm in order to promote an equal opportunity for all candidates applying for the job.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Incas vs Aztecs

Incas vs. Aztecs Prior to Cortez landing, there were some(prenominal) civilisations that held power in the Americas. These groups included the Olmecs, Zapotecs, Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs, and Incas. The two of these civilizations that had some of the most perpetual effects were the Aztecs and the Incas. These two civilizations had many similarities and struggles. One of the major(ip) differences between the two civilizations is their location. The Aztecs lived in Central Mexico while the Incas lived in the Andes Mountains.The location of the civilizations affected many of their customs. The Incans mummified their fallen by leaving them on a mountain cliff side where the winds would dry the moisture out of their skin. Then they would take the mummies to large dismantlets and carry them around. The Aztecs did non mummify their dead or consecrate any customs like this. Because the Aztecs lived in Mexico which is a fairly dry atomic number 18a, they needed a way to irrigate crops. They built chinampas which were floating farms that were always irrigated by the body of water it was floating in.The Incas utilise a form of agriculture called terrace agriculture were they would build savourless layers into the slope of a mountain out of specific materials so they could grow food on mountain sides. That was another technique they formed because of where they lived. another(prenominal) difference between the two civilizations was the size. The Inca civilization covered over 50% of the East coast of South America and had a population of about 20 one thousand million people. The Aztec civilization only controlled Central Mexico and only had a population of 15 million people. Because the Inca civilization was so big, they needed a way to get messages around.They positive a large messaging system with messengers called chasquis that used a way to get messages around called quipu. The Aztecs did not train anything like this. Inca was so large because it conquered many other civilizations that had their own languages. This made it difficult for some people to understand each other. Thats why they developed a unified language called Quechua that e rattlingone had to learn. The Aztec civilization was more like the Persian Empire and allowed anywhere they conquered to stay the homogeneous and keep their language as long as they paid their taxes and accepted that the Aztecs rule.Another difference is the punishment that a village would get for disobeying the Incan or Aztec civilization. The Aztecs would go into the village and burn it to the ground. They would take everyone inside and either kill them or enslave them. The Incans would go into the village and relocate them. In Inca this is just as bad as killing them because the civilization is in the mountains and it is very hard to project living in the mountains with nothing to start off with. If they try to go back to their village they usually have to cross many mountains which was also ver y difficult.Something else that was different was the merchant class of the empires. While they both had good economies, the Incas did not have a large merchant class and the merchant class they did have only traded locally. The Aztecs had a large merchant class that would take very long journeys to distant lands. The Inca government controlled all long distance trading and they did not allow the merchants to have a lot of freedom. Also, the Incas did not have a currency system while the Aztecs used cocoa. The two civilizations also formed differently.The Aztecs started from triple large cities forming an alliance and together they conquered land and people to establish their powerful civilization. The Incans started as a nomadic family or clan that settled down and started a trading colony. Then more and more people came and it eventually turned into a civilization. Those were the many differences between the Aztec and Inca civilizations. The Aztec and Incan civilizations also had many similarities. One of the major similarities was that they both flourished at about the same time.The Aztecs flourished from 1300 A. D. to 1521 A. D. The Inca flourished from 1300 A. D. to 1533 A. D. Another similarity is that they were both ruled by an emperor. They also both thought gold was very important. Incas used gold for everything because it was so common in the mountains. Aztecs called gold the sweat of the sun and their sun divinity fudge was their most powerful god so they must have thought gold was important. They were also both monotheistic, worshipping many nature gods and goddesses. They also both thought their sun gods were very important.The Aztec sun god was named Huitzilopochtli and the Inca sun god was Inti. Inti was the most powerful god in Incan religion. It was thought that the people in the originally family that started the Inca civilization were children of Inti and they said all future rulers must be a descendant of Inti. Huitzilopochtli in the Azte c religion was the god that supposedly told the Mexica to find a place where they would see an eagle sitting on a cactus with a snake in its mouth and that was where they were to settle. This place was Lake Texcoco. Both of these gods were very important to them.Another religious similarity was that they both perform sacrificial rituals. They also had the same style pyramids that had a wide square base that lead to a point at the top with stairs going up the side. Those were the similarities between the Aztec and Inca civilizations. The Aztec and Inca civilizations are still some of the most powerful civilizations that have ever existed. They had a huge impact on the countries that exist there today. The Mexican flag is even based off an Aztec myth. They had many similarities and differences which made them the civilizations that they were.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Blue flowers (Pvt.) Ltd Essay

executive summary downcast f busteders (Pvt.) Ltd is an artificial flower manufacturing compevery situated in Monaragala with 350 total workforces. It provides artificial flowers for topical anaesthetic and international markets. This has five functional departments namely Purchasing, Sales and Marketing, Production, Accounting and HR. They got a decision to affix employment in 14% by last year onwards and an inducement course to a fault work throughed. When the carder earns more(prenominal) than the original physical object, company granted 10%-15% additional inducement. after 6 months company had evaluate their pros and cons and results was as follows, Production change magnitude1st month 20%2nd month-30%3rd month-32%4th month-20%5th month-20%sixth month-20%Lower Quality and Rejection Rate 10%-15%After implementing this fillip program deed employees complained that the reason of this job is the slowness of other departments, and also 60% production employees were complained their objections through their Trade Unions. After that TUs called a encounter to its members. 60% employees said that this is non an incentive scheme however just another way of exploiting persistence and they suggested a TU action. because TU representatives met management and informed them that this incentive scheme is not lucrative or equitable. that management said that if they are not in a position to carter to this increase in golf-club in the future, they are in for a fundamental loss and as a result they efficiency even consider an employee redundancy plan also. After this meeting trade unions requested some conditions also. fuss StatementIn this contingency we sess give away several Management issues which influenced for the smooth functioning of the company. Those issues as followsIssue 1Organization decided to increase their production and implement an incentive program for employees who had produce more than the original signal assumption.But th ey did not screen the internal and foreign environment out front implement this production and incentive scheme. They did not done feasibility study, SWOT analysis or a PESTEL.Issue 2 on that point was no any alive(predicate)ness program for employees about those production targets and incentive schemes. There was no any target group identification or Job evaluation. Incentive was excreten without any Performance evaluation on that pointfore other department people (Other than Production dept.) were jazzed more of this incentive scheme.Issue 3Incentive scheme was not lucrative and not equitable. And also it was not conducted in a seemly manner. Lower level workers were not reaping any benefits of this incentive scheme.Issue 4 spread outn target is not SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) They only announced to employees that production must be increased by 14%. They did not specify individual remnants and objectives or Team goals and objectives. Th ey express arrangingal goal and tried to arrive at it through an incentive scheme. They should give to inform employees through a job description but they didnt.Issue 5Some managers and supervisors considered employees as simple machines. Also at that place were biasness in branding low quality and product rejections. In the meeting which held between management and Trade Unions management said that if employees were not in a position to this increase in order in the future, they were in for a heavy loss as a result they might even consider an employee redundancy plan also.There was no any interrelationship between management and employees. Management implements decisions without having employees collaboration. Therefore Trade Unions nooky influence.Recommendations with Literature ReviewIssue 1There was no any feasibility study. No any internal or external environmental study. Both internal and external environmental factors are astray influence for the governanceal functi ons. Before take any strategic decision systemal management should regard the internal and external environment. In this case governing body is overtaking to increase their production through incentive schemes. That means this governance is going to develop. Organizational development is all about improving organizations surgical operation. But this transaction development should be done by facing internal and external environmental changes. To do this organization should cream the internal and external environment. For internal read organization should implement SWOT analysis and for external scan organization should implement PEST analysis. SWOTPESTFigure 1In this case before implement the decision of product increment and incentive scheme organization should pass on to scan environmental factors. First of all whether existing employees are sufficient for replete this current target, if not organization should recruit additional employees to fulfill this target. If exis ting workforce is sufficient they should have being given a proper Training to do new job well. Existing employees. (Job rotation, Job enrichment, Job enlargement, Training and Development, Promotions etc.) outside(a) employees. (Just in time talent, Identify talent pool, Attract, Gain, Retain) Not only that but also organization should have to conduct a feasibility study. They should scan whether existing technology is enough whether existing machinery or machine capacity is sufficient whether raw material supply is converge the given target etc. After scanning those types of internal factors organization should scan external factors also. In this case glooming Flowers did not scan anything about environment they just announced a target and told employees to fulfill it.Issue 2No target groups, Awareness program, Job evaluation and Performance appraisals Before implement an incentive scheme organization should have topoint out which group has being given the target. It lead be he lpful to give incentives for employees who actually meet targets. tally to this case Production Department employees are the target group. By identifying the target group correctly other department people will not be able to enjoy incentives without performing towards the target. After identifying the target group organization should inform them about what to do? How to do? When to do? Which benefits can master through the target?This can be done through conducting an awareness program or an inauguration. And also the target group can be informing by a proper job description. Not only the target group but also the other department employees also should clarify according to the target to achieve and they also inform by proper job descriptions. Then organization should conduct a Job Evaluation to grade jobs according to its worth. Job evaluation is a systematic comparison done in order to determine the worth of one job coitus to another.It provides a basis for grading and pull ine s pay structure. After identifying the grades pay structure should established. And the incentive scheme should dress with the Evaluation and target group should have being given more worth. According to this case although Blue Flowers implement an incentive scheme they did not conduct any Performance Evaluation program. Through PM organization can measure Actual performance of employees and can compare it with expected performance. Through this criterion organization can identify richly performers and low performance and make rewards or punishments.Issue 3Incentive scheme was not lucrative and not equitable.According to this case Incentive scheme was not lucrative or equitable. As production people mentioned other department employees enjoy more of this incentives. As I express in issue 2 it can be prevent by target group identification. Proper awareness, Job evaluation and Performance Appraisal based incentives. According to this case organization can introduce Group Incentive Scheme. Group Incentive Schemes are targeted at improving performance levels or the output among a group of employees. This is like an individual incentive scheme but give pay over and to a higher place base salary to all group up members when the group or team collectively meets specified standards for performance, productivity or other work related behavior. Blue flowersare going to increase production by 40%.They can introduce targets to Production team, Accounts team, Sales team, HR team and purchasing team. Then organization can introduce incentive schemes for separate departments as per its worth. But there is a disadvantage. By providing team incentives some employees can enjoy incentives without performing towards target. To prevent this organization can introduce individual performance appraisal system also and they can reward high performers and identify low performers. This will be reduce demotivation of high performers, reduce tardiness, reduce LTO, and mainly can ac hieve the target efficiency and effectively. Organization also can use motivation theories for implement sound incentive scheme. Basically organization can use Two Factor guess by Fredric Herzberg, Vrooms Expectancy Theory and Goal setting theory.Two Factor TheoryHerzberg view that man lives at two levels, physical and psychological level. Several factors lead to employee satisfaction while the other lead to dissatisfaction the satisfiers are called Motivators and the dissatisfies are called hygienics factors. Motivators appeared to produce motivated behavior and hygiene factors produced dissatisfaction.Vrooms Expectancy TheoryThis says that an employee will be motivated to hold a high level of effort when he believes that effort will lead to a exhaustively performance appraisal that a good appraisal will lead to organizational rewards and that rewards will satisfy the employees personal goals. This theory emphasize that motivation begins with a desire for something.Goal Setting TheoryAccording to this theory, a person get motivated by following thingsThe goal should be SMARTThey should be challenging but reachableGoals are seen as bring together and reasonableIndividual participation in goal-settingFeedback ensures that people get a feeling of pride and satisfaction from the experience of achieving a challenging but fair goalFeedback is used to gain commitment to even higher goalAfter evaluating above factors organization can take following steps1. Identify the objective properly2. Consult with lag and trade unions3. Relate the scheme to the business remuneration system4. Ensure that the planned scheme is hawkish5. Decide on performance measures for organizational staff6. Regular review and obtain feedbacksIssue 4Target was not SMARTAccording to this case the given target was not SMART. All organizations have their corporate targets. Those targets are divided into sections and assigned individual departments with those divided targets. Then those indivi dual departments assigned departmental target among their department members. Those are calls individual targets. Those individual targets and departmental targets should fulfill through strategic plans, and those decisions which implement to achieve departmental targets should always align with the corporate target.ExFigure 2When an organization establish a target it should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) and also it should be structured with performance, conditions and standards. Ex production team should produce 10000 flowers individually, 100% accurately inwardly a given day within given machine capacity.Issue 5Biasness of managers and supervisors. No interrelationship among management and employees In this case there was no any interrelationship among management and employees. Some managers/supervisors consider employee as machines and they reject production or brand as low quality as their wish. This is no fair and conflicts, high LTO, high absenteeism, high tardiness can be happened The best theory for the Human Relation is Hawthorne Studies. Elton Mayo was the founder and he did a research in Western Electricals. He searches how the lightning and illumination affect to the workerperformance. From this research he founded that valet de chambres relations can affect worker performance rather than physical conditions. We all are human being. We all are pleased to have pleasant relationships.It is a psychological need. In an organization if there are so many good physical conditions but no interrelationship between employer and employee that organization will not be able to achieve its desirable targets. According to this case thre was no interrelationship between employees and management and also biasness was there. As a result employees were get together with Trade Unions for gain their rights. That was a huge disadvantage for an organization. And also in the meeting with TUs management stance that if employees enabl e to fulfill targets on time they will be implement a redundancy program. That was not suitable and a point of conflict. To prevent this situation organization canImplement Soft Skill programs for managers and supervisors.Maintain fair welfare programs.Implement Participative Management System.Make standard level of production quality and make aware employees about that.Then rejection and low quality branding will not be bias.ConclusionBlue Flowers (Pvt.) ltd is a leading artificial flower manufacturer which provides artificial flowers for local and foreign markets. They desired to increase their production by minimum 40% but faced problems because of poor environmental awareness, poor targets, and woebegone incentives. If Blue flowers follow sound incentive system through a strategic plan they will never become unsuccessful in gaining 40% production increment.