Saturday, February 22, 2020

Choose and discuss two images of Jesus from the New Testament. What is Essay

Choose and discuss two images of Jesus from the New Testament. What is their relevance today - Essay Example From the dictionary definition a shepherd is someone who looks after the herd of sheep by guarding and tending them. A shepherd is someone tasked to lead the herd of sheep in the safest and abundant place. It is necessary for the herd of sheep to be tended in the green pasture with a fresh source of water flowing in abundance. In this way, the herd of sheep will survive and they are given all the essentials they need. The psalm of David in chapter 23 describes God as shepherd full of righteousness. God is revealed by David as a good Shepherd, and since Jesus is the Son of God (John 3:16), it is implied that the Son and the Father have the same characteristics and they are working together for one common good and that is salvation of the humanity from eternal condemnation (Matthew 1: 18-21). In John 10:14, Jesus said he is a good shepherd and part of being such is to know his people and his people to him. He sacrificed his life for the humanity to bring salvation to all. Jesus has great compassion for the people of God. Such compassion can be clearly defined by the great love Jesus is willing to give for the humanity. He gave up his life for the humanity and such is the great manifestation of his universal and unconditional love. The image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd depicts the meaning of a good servant and a leader. Being a good servant or a leader therefore requires following Jesus as far as biblical principles are deemed important. In fact, being a Christian means following Jesus whatever the cost may be. A Christian minister can be considered a shepherd because of the responsibility to care for and guide a group of people in the ministry. Jesus as the Good Shepherd is therefore a remarkable model of every Christian minister who is responsible to lead the beloved people of God. The herd of sheep is the people of God who need spiritual leader to give them guidance, protection and

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Case reading 'Power as Domination' Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reading 'Power as Domination' - Case Study Example This essay aims to provide more insight on the communication practices that were employed by TWA to dominate Ozark airlines employees, during and after the acquisition of the airline back in 1986. Primarily it is imperative to acknowledge the fact that effective communication plays a significant role in ensuring that an acquisition accomplishes the expected results. Overtime, surveys have pointed towards the fact that organizations that have embraced effective communication in the course of and after acquiring other businesses have often realized their objectives and stayed in the market for a considerable duration. On the other hand, those that have failed to embrace effective communication have always ended up with failed ventures. Taking the TWA acquisition of Ozark airlines for example, there is no doubt that during the acquisition process, there was bad blood between Ozark and TWA employees, this resulted in tension and created an inefficient environment in which the employees could not bring the best out of themselves (Tamyra 17-21). At the beginning of the venture, there was less employee satisfaction. Employee commitment was similarly lacking from the Ozark empl oyees and the perception of them staying with the organization for a considerable duration of time was similarly lacking. Nevertheless, the management of TWA did not despair, they came up with structures of power and embraced effective communication and these practices played a significant role in the acquisition being a success. To dominate Ozark airlines employees, the TWA management team resorted to being clear in the course of all their communications. This is to imply that they took into account the perspectives held by employees of Ozark airlines. This was achieved by reducing the technical terms in their communication, implying that they employed the use of