Monday, July 29, 2019

Logic According to Husserl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Logic According to Husserl - Essay Example It helped us to predict the existence of certain things which were unknown to us earlier. Husserl defined logic in a different manner. He has attached various dimensions to logic in order to analyze it comprehensively. According to Husserl â€Å"Logic is the science of science† (Husserl p.8). This paper analyses the arguments of Husserl with respect to logic and transcendental logic along with his criticisms against formal logic. â€Å"Logic, as Husserl sees it, is concerned in the first place with meanings (propositions, concepts) and with associated meaning-instantiating acts. Most importantly, it is concerned with that sort of deductively closed collection of meanings which constitutes a scientific theory†(Corazzon). In other words, Husserl pointed out that logic helps us to deduce certain scientific theories which were unknown to us earlier. He has pointed out that science has no existence without logic. All scientific theories were evolved out of logical thinking. For example, we assume that electrons revolve around certain nucleus in which protons and neutrons are located. This scientific theory is formulated based on logic rather than experimental conclusions. The stability of an atom can be explained only with the help of such an atom model described above. In other words, logic helped us to device a new scientific theory. ... For example, until recent times, science educated us that no object can move faster than light. However, some of the recent scientific discoveries are pointing towards the existence of a particle which is capable of moving much rapidly than light. Many of the basic scientific theories such as Einstein’s relativity theory may undergo modifications because of the new discovery. In other words, logic and science need not provide us correct explanations always. â€Å"The central position of the theory of judgement in the total problematic of formal logic is due to material as well as historic grounds†(Husserl and Landgrebe, p. 12). For example, we predict the arrival of different seasons based on historic facts. Historically, December is the coldest month at many parts of the world. So, people always expect December to be the coldest month in coming years also. Formal logic forces us to think in that manner. However, because of global warming problems, climate changes are t aking place everywhere in the world. Unexpected rains and droughts are taking place everywhere now. Under such circumstances, it is quite possible that the coming months of December may not be as cold as it before. In other words, formal logic may not provide us true information always. â€Å"Formal logic does not inquire into the differences in the mode of pre-givenness of objects. It enquires only into the conditions of self-evident judging†(Husserl and Landgrebe, p. 21). It should be noted that formal logic is the self-interpretation of reasons and therefore it is highly subjective. No two individuals are alike either physically or intellectually. Because of the differences in intelligence, different people formulate reasons differently. For

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