Monday, September 30, 2019

The Disadvantages of Technology in Education

Technology can be rightly said to have impacted every occupation. Technology application and the changes it brings are in fact intended and necessitated, as it is a part of the larger development of the society. Technology has been introduced in all fields and occupations, either directly or indirectly, and its benefits are evident in terms of time, quality, process etc. As technology has been broadly introduced in all walks of life, no occupation can claim to be independent of either direct or indirect use of technology, since it is integrated to the society.It is therefore obvious that the fields of education and learning have also incorporated technology, resulting in unprecedented possibilities and results. The advantages of technology cannot be disputed, particularly given the recent trends in e-learning, however despite this; its disadvantages shouldn’t be ignored. The need and maintenance of the associated infrastructure for technology introduction may itself look chall enging for many. New technologies may require special wiring and any breakdowns would be disruptive and need repair by experts.Also when high costs on software, hardware and connection costs are borne, the equipment might soon be outdated (NCRTEC, 2005). The teacher has now become more of a learning facilitator rather than an instructor or information provider. The teacher’s methodology has changed from traditional, teacher-centered teaching to learner-centered, interactive teaching. The teacher has moved away from being a fact teller and an expert to being a collaborator and occasionally an expert, with learning emphasis being on relationships and inquiry rather than facts and reproduction.Students are moving away from passive learning, given the lesser lecturing; towards cooperative learning. Focusing more on information literacy, the teacher helps in guiding students to identify and access required information. With students being capable of resourcing all relevant informa tion, the teacher now needs to help them to analyze, evaluate and judge the suitability of the information; they have required. With the involvement of technology, the traditional skills and exercises of students are being increasingly abandoned.The use of calculator by students avoids them the benefits of manual calculations. Manual calculations involve deeper analysis of the problems which develop brain activity and mental capability. Introduction of technologies, while helping students, are in fact doing away with the crucial mental exercises and reasoning efforts of the students, depriving them of the associated valuable benefits. With most schools accepting electronic submission of answers or essays, students no longer need to be concerned of spelling and grammar usage.These are automatically highlighted or corrected, saving them the effort to do it by themselves. In the long run, they do not develop the skills necessary for identifying and correcting these. The use of internet in education not only exposes students to wrong or misleading information, but also to engage in plagiarism. Assignments and tests are quickly completed by reproducing available information rather than producing it by themselves. The use of technology in education is definitely doing away with the skill sets that have been acquired by individuals with much effort and pain, traditionally.Music education is also an area where technological changes have done away with traditional requirements. Today, the sounds of drum, piano or other instruments can be electronically created without learning the fundamentals of that instrument. Thus experts only need to manipulate these sounds effectively, which would otherwise have required the performance of so many musicians. Although there are several advantages of a computer, the use of computers in language learning has its own restrictions. One of its main disadvantages is that it would lead to an increase in education costs (Gips, DiMattia & Gips).Low budget schools and poor students would not be able to buy a computer, when computer become a basic necessity for students. This would cause unjust conditions on the part of poor schools and students, with regard to education. Even when computers are bought, the need for expensive software or hardware would again be another financial strain on the part of the schools and students. For computer assisted second language learning, it becomes necessary that both the teacher and student be proficient in the basics of computer use.Students cannot use computers in language learning when they lack training in computer technology. Most teachers unfortunately do not have the technological training to guide their students through computer assisted language learning programs (Lai & Kritsonis). Another problem with regard to computers in language learning is that the software for language learning if far from perfect. Many language learning programs are recent and its functions are high ly limited. The computers need to be capable of not just evaluating the correctness of a spoken word, but also the appropriateness of the said word.It should also be capable of evaluating student’s response with respect to pronunciation, syntax and context of usage. Second language learners face several situations in the course of their language learning and computers cannot handle such unexpected situations. As the artificial intelligence of the computers is limited, it cannot handle unexpected learning problems and queries of learners’. It should be noted that there is a fundamental difference in the way humans and computers analyze information. Computers with such a level of intelligence cannot be expected for at least quite sometime (Blin, 1994).With the emergence of newer technologies, the fact that it is indeed beneficial cannot be disputed. However, these new technologies are doing away with the requirement for development of personal skill sets that have been t raditionally followed. Our education is moving away from a totally technology independent field to highly technology dependent. Education is our basics to understanding of the world, survival and success tactics. With much of this education being technology backed, we step into the harsh world, largely backed with technology use. The change here is irreversible like that in other technology aided fields.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

“A Dark Brown Dog” Analysis Essay

In Stephen Crane’s short story of â€Å"A Dark Brown Dog†, he writes about a young boy who finds, neglects, and befriends a ragged puppy, with a rope dragging the ground, when they meet. The boy takes fun in abusing the puppy, but when he tires of this he makes his way home. The puppy, even though the boy was not nice, starts to follows the boy home. When arriving home the boy defends the puppy to claiming him as his own. The boy’s father agrees to allow the boy to keep the puppy. The boy and the puppy grow very fond of each other. The puppy was abused but always showing his love even after his abuse. Then the story takes a very sad, gruesome turn for the young dog. The story tells of a very young boy who lives in a fifth story apartment in a very run down area of a big city. The father is portrayed to be a violent man that regularly is in a drunken rage. His wife and family are the victims of his rage. â€Å"A Dark Brown Dog† describes how the young boy f inds safety under the kitchen table on regular bases. The story draws attention to the father coming home and going into his usual drunken rage on the wife, kitchen utensils, and furniture, then the father takes joy in turning his rage on the pup. When the boy comes home during the rage he goes for his safe place but the puppy does not understand the rage and becomes the victim of the drunken rage. The story tells that the father takes great fun in kicking and hurting the pup. His final fun and torture he picks up the puppy by the leg and swings the pup around in the air several times. The young boy tries to detest the cruel punishment, but it does not work as the father then throws the pup out the window of the fifth story apartment. The story details the neighborhood that no one really thought it was unusual that a puppy was being thrown out a fifth story window. In a literary analysis of â€Å"A Dark Brown Dog† written by Braden Davis, he states that his interpretation of the story is from the slavery times known as the Jim Crow era. Branden states that â€Å"the boy, his father, and the dog were symbols in this classic retelling of the reconstitution period known as Jim Crow†. (1)  Braden’s analysis was a very deep reading on what he saw behind the story. But after reading deeper into the life of Stephen Crane it is very easy to see that â€Å"A Dark Brown Dog† is the story based off what Crane witnessed on the streets. The young boy lived in a very run down part of the city in a fifth story apartment; tales of the father coming home and abusing not only the dog but his family as well. Argument is based off the Biography of Stephen Crane, he lived a bohemian lifestyle for a while living in poverty and had firsthand experience with street life. Crane also was known for living in the â€Å"bowery† section, which was a down trodden tenement districts. Crane’s other stories had recognition for writing brutally honest stories about life experiences. Crane was also known for his plot less stories due to him writing about experiences he was either involved in or witnessed with his own eyes. Being known for writing what he saw and experienced gave Crane his recognition in his book â€Å"Maggie: A Girl of the Streets† was said to be a very brutal story of a prostitute that lived on the streets. Crane’s eye for detail gives â€Å"A Dark Brown Dog† full life; that this was ju st a short story based off of what he experienced while living on the street. He wrote about the life of a little boy that he watched and the tragedy that the boy had to deal with in his young life. Speculation could also raise questions that this could have been a story from Crane’s life as well. His biography told he was the youngest of 14 children. Although his father was a reverend and his mother was a busy woman with her children and was said to be a writer herself. Being in a household with this many children could have led to a lonely existence that left him on his own to see the world as cruel and uncaring. This story was a tale told of abuse and neglect from a broken drunk that took pride in showing his dominance of his family and an innocent animal. Braden’s analysis was based on the time and situation but read into more than looking at what was on the surface of the story. The research of the biography tells that with the history that Crane had and the life that he experienced himself. Works Cited Grade Saver. â€Å"Biography of Stephen Crane† List of Works, Study Guides & Essays†. Grade Saver 22 October, 2014 WEB. 22 October 2014 â€Å"Stephen Townley Crane† Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. WED. 22 Oct 2014 â€Å"Literary Analysis of a Dark Brown Dog†. Tales of a Nerdy College Student, . WEB 22 October 2014

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Job application letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Job application letter - Essay Example Some of the courses that I have taken during my Bachelor’s course include Business Skills and Environment, Introduction to Corporate Finance, Investment Management, International Finance, and Risk and Insurance Management. I am qualified in the use of a wide range of softwares and computer programs including MS Power Point, MS Word, MS Excel. I also have an introductory knowledge of the Financial Ratio Analysis Software. During my internship at Masdar, I have been exposed to the Investment Lifecycle Management that acquainted me with the skills of tracking and preparing an investment Due Diligence with the team under the office of the CEO. This experience not only inculcated the necessary knowledge of the design and management of investment, but also provided me with an opportunity to work as part of a team so that I attain the teamwork skills required to excel in a culturally diverse and dynamic workplace. I have been a distinguished student throughout my academic career. This reflects in my GPA which is 3.732, as well as the fact that I received the Distinguished Students Scholarship, by the Scholarship Office- SCO (Abu Dhabi), and the USA-Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society. In addition to my technical capabilities, I also have myriad of skills that make me an excellent professional. One of my most weighty skills is knowledge of multiple languages. I can communicate both verbally and textually in English, and Arabic, though I also understand French. During the three weeks that I spent as an intern at Masdar, I happened to communicate with coworkers belonging to different ethnicities. Having worked in such a diverse work environment, my confidence that I can adjust well in a challenging environment increased manifolds. Besides, I have also taken a course of Technical Communications at the Ohio State University. I have a strong knowledge of work ethics which enables me to optimize on my potential to deliver my best both as an individual and as part of a

Friday, September 27, 2019

Applications of Epidemiology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Applications of Epidemiology - Case Study Example it's that hospital-acquired infections primarily contribute to the majority of mortalities and morbidities in the hospital setting, accounting for approximately 100,000 deaths every year in the United States. As a result, on the basis of health records from Good Health Hospital, research shows that majority of nosocomial infections recently have happened prior to their identification. From the various types of nosocomial infections that were verified, a few types of infection were identified as stated below; Without a doubt, healthcare facilities and providers possess several legal obligations and duties concerning care services provided to patients under their care. Therefore, it is important for the providers and staff to execute their services with the required standards of care and professional skill. According to Mayhall (p.55), nosocomial infections present the main threat to patients in the hospital and failure to provide an environment that ensures the safety of patients will portend legal risks for the healthcare facility. It is essential for all healthcare setting leaders to be aware of hospital infections that are a critical cause of mortality and morbidity in hospitals, afflicting more than two million people annually in the United States. Thus, the healthcare administrator at the hospital should be provided with the questions below that relate to possible legal matters from nosocomial infections identified in the hospital; Can you outline the strategies that the hospital uses to minimize nosocomial infection frequency with regards to a) ventilator-associated pneumonia, b) surgical site infections, c) urinary tract infections, d) bloodstream infections Are there any protocols that are available to assist healthcare staff to deal with patients suffering from confirmed or suspected nosocomial infections in the healthcare facility.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why High School Athletics are Important Research Paper

Why High School Athletics are Important - Research Paper Example Unfortunately, some high schools institutions have opted out of sports, with the reason of spending more resources on academics. It is of no doubt that academics is the primary reason for education and should be given the primary priority; but sports is important to the lives of students as well as far as their human development is concerned. There are ways athletics as sports can benefit the lives of the involved students in ways that the educators, parents and students cannot even realize. When some students engage in such sporting activities for the recognition, love for the games and other reasons, there are many other benefits accruing from these sporting activities that can turn out to be of great importance to the community at large. People become motivated in so many and different forms. Athletics serves as a very powerful tool to extrinsically motivate students. Some students underperform in classes due to lack of extrinsic motivators that the educators can apply to boost their academic morale (Stein p52). Some students perceive academics as of secondary course in school, but embraces sports. In this case, some high schools have resorted to raising grades and specific performance, for example, 60% and above to consider students as qualified to participate in sports. These students would, therefore, strive to attain the performance level set by the educators in order to have a slot in extracurricular activities. Consequently, they will perform better that they would have otherwise without athletics (Ekeler p75). Athletics has also played a greater role in ensuring that the students stay out of trouble. Athletics serve, as motivators of enabling students remain disciplined through schooling. When students misbehave, they are suspended from participating in sports; or expelled, and this motivates them to maintain their best behavior. The prospect of participating in athletics is an effective tool for deterring students from making wrong

Taxation law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Taxation law - Essay Example The main issue that arises is the income tax being payable in one case and exempted in the other. Why Dixon’s income is assessable income but Scott’s income decided to be a gift. Tax payer Scott was employed as a clerk by a firm, which was a shipment agency. His annual salary being 250 pounds and declared taxable by the taxation commissioner. This taxpayer respondent, Dixon, enlisted himself in the armed forces hence ceasing his employment with the former employer. The employer of the respondent came up with a policy that of compensating their employees by paying the difference between the pay in the respondents’ income currently being their employee and while being a staff member of the armed forces (Woellner, Vella & Burns, 1993).  . The respondent tax payer, after serving the armed forces joined his firm again in January 1946. An assessable income is the amount of money one makes within any given year that is subject to income tax. It is the sum of the money one has made from his job or by selling his property or any sort of investment or liquidation involved in ones total revenue held. In this particular case the tax commissioner was leading the case in terms of section 25 of the income tax assessment act 1936. 104 pounds were included in the tax payers’ assessable income in terms of section 25 (Woellner & CCH Australia Limited, 1987). ... The main difference between Dixon’s case and Scott’s case is the payable tax to be held with effect of 2 different sections of the act. Section 25 constitutes tax payment through means of assessable income whereas s 26e is tax to be paid on any type of income earned through means of a any sense be a recompense or consequence of the continued or contemporaneous existence of the relation of employer and employee or a reward. In Scott v Federal Commissioner for Taxation the tax payer is a solicitor who had known her client, a widow for quite some time now. She regularly visited the tax payer who dealt her with regard to being a solicitor but had been involved in constituting business together for some time now. Mrs. Freestone the client now trusted the tax payer who was make representations on her behalf to all legal matters related to a land called green acres which was under a restriction from the local government. Mrs. Free stone while making several attempts in lifting these bans was unsuccessful and decided to allow her solicitor deal with this matter who was later successful in lifting the restriction. Later, part of the green acres plot was sold in which the solicitor had played an important role. Later Mrs. Freestone had already decided to give out some of her estate and her money as a reward to people. Out of which 10,000 was to be paid to the tax payer as a reward. The main argument that led to the case in Scott v FCT was that 10000 pounds paid by Mrs. Free stone was either a reward to her solicitor, the tax payer or a fee rendered to him in terms of the services provided by him. It was established and proved later that this was a mere reward in return of his kindness and friendship

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Government Intervention on Private Residential Property after Essay

The Government Intervention on Private Residential Property after Economic Turmoil - Essay Example This paper declares that  the economic turmoil in Asia, commonly known as the Asian economic crisis took over the continent in 1997, submerging most sectors in a type of economic upheaval whose repercussion sustained even years after the termination of the crucial phase. The four South-East Asian tigers were the most deeply affected in the region. Soon after the popularization of the concept of export-led growth, the region got engrossed in paving out strategies of attaining fast growth through this channel.  This study highlights that the South East Asian tigers of Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea., soon started concentrating in building up a comparative advantage in the manufacture of electronic goods that led to the inflow of enormous amounts of foreign exchange into the region. The short term success that the region saw generated perceptions among the external economies about the investment potentials bestowed in the region. Quite naturally, this observation led to a rise in the inflow of resources into the economy in the form of foreign direct investment of which the real estate sector was one of the pioneer one. The real estate sector especially bore its roots in the economy of Hong Kong, which had a relatively more relative trade environment than its neighbors, which is why it was almost like a haven for foreign real estate developers, despite the active participation of the domestic government in the sector.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Motivation - Essay Example Needs are the basis for the drives which is in turn seeking the attainment of certain set of incentives. A physiological or a psychological imbalance in a human leads to the creation of need for something. For e.g. need for water when a person is thirsty. However, a psychological need can also arise without any known deficiency as well as imbalance. For e.g. a person having a strong need for progress may move from success to success. Similarly in the case, employees of the cafe had certain needs which make them derive to achieve an incentive. However, with no interactions from the owners and no further incentive employees are highly de-motivated. Drivers or motives prompt individuals to attain their goals and satisfy their needs. A physiological drive is a condition which causes a person to work in a particular direction. Both physiological and psychological drives push an individual towards achieving a certain goal or accomplishing a certain task. For e.g. need for food and water is transformed into the drives of hunger and thirst. Anything that can motivate a need and decrease the intensity of drive is called an incentive. When a person obtains the incentive, the strength of the drive is reduced and physiological or psychological balance is restored. The owners of the cafe do not understand individualized problem of their employees. This is the root cause of all the motivational problems at the cafe. For e.g. in the case study it can be seen that the owner Simon had employed his own younger sister Penny Philips in the cafe. She had just completed her French Degree and wants to travel for finding a job as a translator. Now even her problems are not addressed by the owners even though one of them is her brother. This is the level of negligence that had been given to the cafe by Simon and Karen. Another reason for de-motivation of employees in the cafe is that by working they are just fulfilling their Physiological needs and there any other need is not being ful filled. The theory of hierarchy of needs by Maslow is often displayed in the form of pyramid. The most basic needs are shown at the lowest level of the pyramid whereas comparatively complex needs have been located at the top of pyramid. Needs that are at the bottom of pyramid are classified as basic physical requirements which include the need of water, sleep, food and warmth. As long as the needs of lower level are not met, the hierarchy does not move to the higher level, and once there lower level needs are met, people tend to move towards the next level in the needs hierarchy, which are known for safety and security. Humans have the common need to be respected and having self-esteem as well as self respect. This need is also known as belonging need. The esteem of a human presents his normal human desire that needs to be accepted as well as valued by others. Different people have need of engaging themselves for gaining recognition and having an activity or set of activities that g ives the person a near sense of contribution, of feeling accepted as well as self-valued, both in a profession and hobby. Now in the cafe these needs of employees are not being fulfilled which is acting as a de-motivating factor for them. Part 2 The owners will have to motivate its employees to stay in the job including finding a replacement for Penny. Simon and Karen needs to make this cafe a learning organization for its employees. Organizations constantly endeavor to make

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Article Critique - Essay Example Purpose of the research The research sought to establish the factors from the SCT standpoint that influence the consumption behaviour of fruits and vegetables among the adolescents in the low-income bracket of the black Americans in the lower Mississippi Delta region. Personal, environmental as well as behavioural factors have been investigated in the study to establish the extent to which they influence the consumption patterns of fruits and vegetables by the targeted adolescents. Method of the research This qualitative research used the focus group methodology to collect data from the participants. 42 adolescents between the ages of 10 and 13 years were involved in the focus groups which were divided equally into six. 21 female and 21 male adolescents were involved in this study. The advantage of this method is that it enabled the researcher to get personal opinions from the participants about the factors that influenced their consumption behaviour and patterns of fruits and vegeta bles. Results of the research The results of the research have been divided into three main categories of the Social Cognitive Theory which include behavioural, personal and environmental factors. ... Personal factors such as taste played a major role in influencing the consumption behaviour of fruits and vegetables among the youths who participated in the survey. There were both negative and positive connotations about the taste of fruits and vegetables. For instance, many youths revealed that they like fruits because of their sweet taste while the taste of vegetables produced more negative reactions. Many youths described the taste of vegetables as â€Å"nasty† and they said that they would rather prefer to eat vegetables that have been prepared with sugar or cheese since these ingredients could improve the taste. The results of the study also revealed that environmental factors have an influence on the consumption behaviour of fruits and vegetables by the youths. The aspect of availability played a major role in influencing the behaviour of youths towards fruits and vegetables. Many participants pointed out that fruits and vegetables were not readily available at their h omes as well as the nearby grocery shops. Some of the youths said they ate fruits and vegetables when they visit their friends’ places. This showed that the youths cannot be able to consume something they cannot readily access and this is seen as a barrier to their consumption behaviour of the fruits and vegetables. Conclusion of the research The purpose of this research was to explore factors that influence the low-income southern black American adolescents' fruit and vegetable consumption patterns with the aim of developing tools that are culturally relevant for intervention and measurement of behaviour among this target group with regards to choice of fruits and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Social Identity Theory Essay Example for Free

Social Identity Theory Essay Summarise two theories of identity and compare their usefulness for explaining the real world issues discussed in chapter 1, Identities and diversity. The study of identity is primarily the study of who we are and who we are not in comparison to other people, what makes individuals and groups of individuals unique from each other is a very controversial issue. This essay will look at two theories that aim to address this issue, namely, the Psychosocial theory and the Social Identity Theory (SIT). Whilst examining these two theories this essay will also look at their relevance to some every day issues. The view of Psychosocial theorists is one that identity is produced simultaneously by both personal and social factors. Psychoanalyst Erik Erikson was the first theorist to view identity this way, for Erikson identity consisted of a conscious sense of individual uniqueness, an unconscious striving for continuity and a solidarity with a groups ideas (Erikson cited in Phoenix, 2007, p.53). He believed that a solid understanding of who we are, how we fit in to and are viewed by society forms a core identity, which in turn will create a sense of continuity. Erikson lived through two world wars during which many people feared for their lives. This heightened sense of mortality led to identity confusion. Hence Erikson believed that identity crisis was prevalent at this time. Identity crisis for Erikson was a certain period of time when some young people could not create a solid Ego Identity (a clear understanding of oneself) and were confused and unable to commit to a certain path, the form that this crisis took would be socially and historically variable. This lack of a solid Ego identity Erikson termed as role diffusion. Erikson believed that identity was an ongoing lifelong process through eight different progressive stages ranging from birth to late adulthood, each stage encapsulated many times of crisis and conflict which he saw as normative crisis and essential to the development of identity. Although he saw the period of adolescence as the most important stage, with the majority of adolescents achieving a solid Ego identity after a socially accepted period of trials, trying out various social roles in order to find their ideal path. It was abnormal to be normal during adolescence (Freud cited in Phoenix, 2007, p.56) Erikson calls this period a Psychosocial Moratorium. During this period of Psychosocial Moratorium Erikson viewed the solidarity of adolescents with groups and their ideas as important to identity, as young people struggle to find a niche in society they can often over identify with various groups. Within these groups the feelings against other groups ( outsiders ) can often become cruel or even violent if there is any threat to their sense of identity. This identity battle between groups is addressed by the Social Identity Theory (SIT) which was developed by Psychologist Henri Tajfel. Unlike the work of Erikson, Tajfel concentrated more on the social than individual process of identity development. He considered the development of individual and group identity as being separate processes. Tajfel was a Jewish holocaust survivor, his experiences with the Nazi regime was the driving force of his studies, he wanted to know what it was that led to prejudice between different groups. Tajfel mainly focused his studies on trying to identify the minimum requirements needed in order to form group identities, which he did by studying the intergroup relations between minimal groups. These minimal groups were a number of individuals with nothing really in common with each other, apart from the fact that they were categorized as being in the same group (ingroup), they also had no reason to oppose any individual or group outside their defined group (outgroup). Tajfel found that the simple fact of being categorized within a group was enough to cause prejudice against another group. It is the subjective feeling of belonging to a group which is important in SIT rather than membership as defined by outsiders or simply sharing some characteristics with other group members (Turner cited in Phoenix, 2007, p.63). The SIT theory suggests that the status of an individuals group identity can directly affect a persons individual identity, and that the need to belong to a high status group is paramount to a sense of high self esteem. Therefore groups are continuously striving to be dominant and superior, in doing so dominant groups will often inflict prejudice and discrimination against inferior groups as a means to increase their members self esteem. likewise individuals of inferior groups will strive to increase their self esteem by attempting to increase their status by means of social mobility ( move to a higher status group). Some groups will often try to affect social change in order to improve their social status by means of social creativity,(redefining their social status in a more positive way) or social competition, ( revolutions and civil wars). Both the Psychosocial and SIT theories of identity are relevant in different ways when considering real life issues, one of which being the embodied identities of people with physical disabilities. Embodiment is a factor in both theories, SIT considers embodiment (of physically impaired people) as a category for discrimination whilst the Psychosocial theory is concerned with the continuity of ones body to function as an issue of identity. People becoming physically impaired later in life will have a heightened sense of identity, this can be explained by both theories. Psychosocial theorists would see this as a break in the continuity which is central to this theory leading to an identity crisis, whilst in the context of SIT the change in social status by being categorised in a minority group would be the explanation. In summarising the theories of Erikson and Tajfel it can be clearly seen that both approached the complexity of identity in very different ways, both drawing from their own life experiences as a focus for their studies. Although they both draw different conclusions each theory has some relevance to the identity of physically impaired people, this reinforces the view that there is no single answer to the question of identity. References Phoenix, A. (2007) Identities and Diversities, in Miell, D. and Thomas, K. (eds) Mapping Psychology, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Part 2 The aim of the study is to research the importance of work for identity. The researchers propose to recruit participants by putting a poster in a job centre inviting unemployed people to volunteer to be interviewed about their employment history. People who express interest will be given a date and time for an interview and asked to sign a consent form. They will be offered a small payment (Â £5) for completing the interview. When they attend the interview, they will be told that the interview will be video-recorded and later transcribed (i.e. the questions and answers written down) for the researchers to analyse. They will be promised confidentiality. The ethics committee does not grant approval, for several reasons. One is that in the proposed study the researchers do not adequately obtain the informed consent of the participants, as required by the British Psychological Society. 1. Explain the problems with the proposed study concerning informed consent. (150 words) Informed consent was not adequately obtained as it was not clearly stated as to why the research was being done nor was it made clear as to how the interview would be structured (use of a video tape, questionnaire, etc) It was not made completely clear as to how the data will be used and for what purpose. There was also no explanation of the fact that after the interview had been transcribed, further consent would be needed before it could be used. 2. Explain three of the other ethical problems raised by the proposed study. (200 words) a. There was no mention of the participants right to withdraw at any time which should be done at the point of first contact. It should also be explained that if they did decide to withdraw during the interview that the payment they received would not be withdrawn. This was not made clear and the statement could easily be read as if there will be no payment unless the interview was completed. b. Participants should not be promised confidentiality as a number of people would probably see the data given in order to analyse it. Instead they should have been promised anonymity whereby not only their name will be removed but any clues to their identity too. If this is not possible then consent would be needed for disclosure. c. It should have been made clear that before signing a consent form participants would be given the choice as to what questions they wish to answer and given the option to refuse to answer any questions they were uncomfortable with. 3. Suggest a possible improvement to the study and explain the ethical problem(s) this would address. (150 words) The participants could have been informed that they can view the data collected at the end of the interview and that they have the opportunity then to withdraw any information they were unhappy or uncomfortable about making public. This would help to uphold the dignity of the participant, in case in hindsight they had revealed something about themselves that they wanted to keep private.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Importance of Social Conflict Theory

Importance of Social Conflict Theory Why is theory important in the area of sociology? A theory is a proposed relationship between two or more concepts. In sociology, sociological theories are statements of how and why particular facts about the social world are related (Marcioni Geber, 2010, p14). They range in scope from concise descriptions of a single social process to examples or models for analysis and interpretation. Some sociological theories explain aspects of the social world and enable prediction about future events (Robert, 2012), while others function as broad perspective which guides further sociological analyses (Kallom, 2002). The importance of theory in the area of sociology cannot be overemphasized. Theories such as the social conflict theory, structural functionalism theory, positivism theory, field theory, rational choice theory, and so on, were developed to explain social phenomena. In sociology, a theory may specify deterministic properties of a set of entities, thus permitting point predictions about future states of the relevant system, or it may specify probabilistic relations among entities, giving rise to statements about the distribution of possible future states of the system. A theory is provided with a set of â€Å"bridge† statement that permit the theorist to connect the consequences of the theory with predictions about, observable state of affairs. Sociology is an examination of human beings in social contexts. Observing how people in specific communities interact, taking surveys and conducting experiments yield new data to build sociological knowledge. Sociological theories are frameworks explaining how specific aspects of society are linked to larger processes. An element characterizing society is interdependence. Individuals or organizations cannot survive independently while even seemingly dissimilar concept such as religion and the rise of an economic system can be closely connected. In other words, theories help determine interdependent aspects. Civic competence involved been able to make informed and rational decisions on every issue, from participating in elections to settling disputes with their neighbours. Theories in the area of sociology will help people understand how society works and how they can be a useful part in it. Furthermore, it almost impossible to make decisions affecting a certain community without deep knowledge of its structure, as miscalculated decisions can have a severe impact on people’s lives. Tackling societal problems such as alcoholism, high criminal rate, requires decision makers to know what exactly the problem is and its causes. Sociological theories provide an insight on such issues, making it easier and safer for elected representatives to find solutions to social problems. Sociologist focus on how a society is structured, how each and every individual works as part of the whole, how society has changed over the years and predictions of future changes. In essence, sociological theories help people understand society and knowledge of the world as it grows. Conclusively therefore sociological theory was defined by Rizzer (2013) as a set of interrelated ideas that allow for the systematization of knowledge of the social world. This knowledge is then used to explain the social world and make predictions about the future of the world (p5). Discuss any sociology theory of your choice The Social Conflict Theory is one of the theories in sociology. The conflict theory was originated by Karl Marx in the mid – 1800’s. The theory states that human behaviour results in conflicts between competiting groups. The belief is that in all stratified societies, there are two major social groups, a ruling class and a subject class (Anderson Taylor, 2009). The ruling class enjoys been the owner and having control over forces of production hereby exploiting the subject class. This has resulted in a basic conflict of interest between the two classes. Social conflict is the struggle between segments of society over valued resources (Aghababa, 2011). Social conflict turned a small population into capitalists in the nineteenth century. Capitalists are people who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits. However, capitalism turned most people into industrial workers whom Marx called proletarians. Proletarians actually sold their labour for wages. Conflict theories draw attention to power differentials such as class, gender and race conflict, and contrast historically dominant ideologies. It is therefore a macro level analysis of society that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and social change (Macious Gerber, 2011, p15). Social conflict theory is a compact of the four major paradigms of sociology. Other important sociologists Harriet Martinean, Hane Addams and Dubois (Macious Geber, 2011) argue that this sociological approach does not look at how social structures help society to operate, but instead looks at how â€Å"social patterns† can cause some people in the society to be dominant and others to be oppressed. The social conflict theory opines that individuals and groups (social classes) within society have differing amounts of material and non-material resources (such as the wealthy vs the poor) and that the more powerful groups use their power in order to exploit groups with less power. Two methods by which this exploitation is done are through brute force usually done by police, the army and economics. Earlier social conflict theories argue that money is the mechanism which creates social disorder. It can also be deduced from their beliefs that the society is created from ongoing social conflict between various groups. The social conflict theory believes social relationships are about power and exploitation; the rich exploiting the poor. Citing an example of this oppression is a renter for instance, living in a rented apartment for fifty years and having no right or economic interest within the property. In sociology, conflict theory opines that the society functions so that everyone or group involved can make the best use of benefits which in the long run brings about social changes. Most times, the theory is applied to explain conflict between social classes in ideas such as socialism and communism. Competition plays a vital role in understanding conflict theory. Accordingly, there are three primary assumptions of modern conflict theory. The first is competition over scarce resources such as money and leisure which is characteristic of human relationship. Second is structural inequality which has to do with inequalities in power and reward. Thirdly, it is believed that revolution is eminent because change occurs as a result of conflict between competing interests, rather than through adaptation. According to McCafferty (2006), conflict theory emphasizes the social political or material inequality of a social group. It also contrast dominant ideologies and make open differences in p ower. Conflict theory is mostly associated with Marxism, but as a reaction to functionalism and positivist method, may also be associated with number of other perspectives including critical theory, feminist theory, post-modern theory, post structural theory etc (Rodney, 2007). Conflict theory posits that social groups or classes compete with each other in order to obtain resources that the society deems important. A realistic social conflict theory is an understanding of the positive role of social conflict in serving the common good. It is actually expected to put change in perspective since all substantial social change involves social conflict. Social conflict theory plays a position role, when properly understood, in promoting groups to find common ground, form alliances, define core values, identify differences in view point, set group boundaries, and inform strategies for achieving expected change. Understanding these functions of social conflict in the context of a social conflict theory is an essential process in positive social change. To understand social conflict theory, it must be known that in a democratic society, no one group should dominate all other groups. The power any group is supposed to have and especially of large institutions, is limited by force of law and by social impact, custom and social tradition within that frame of reference. Various interest groups and institutions compete, negotiate and work out changes in socio-economic arrangements generating social conflict in the process. Wright Mills who has been called the founder of modern conflict theory opined that social structures are created through conflict between people with differing interest and resources. Individuals and resources in turn, are influential by these structures and by the unequal distribution of power and resources in the society (Knapp, 1994, pp228-246). REFERENCES Aghababa, Hossein (October, 2011). There will be Blood http://www.independent.fil Reviews. Com/there will be Blood Anderson, M L. And Taylor, H.F., Sociology: The Essentials, (Rhomson Wadswoth, Belmot Ca, 2009). Berger, Joseph,2000 â€Å"Theory and Formalization, Some Reflections on Experience. Sociological Theory 18 93): 482 – 489. Craig J. Calhoun (2002). Classical Sociological Theory. Wiley – Blackwell pp.1 Gerber, John J. Macious, Linda M. Gerber 2011 â€Å"Sociology† (7th Canadian Ed) 2011., Toronto: Pearson Canada p. 15 John J. Macious, Linda M. Gerber, â€Å"Sociology† Seventh Canadian Edition, Pearson Canada. Keel, Robert.†What is Sociological Theory?† Robert Keel. Retrieved 29 February 2012. Knapp, P-. (1994) One World – Many Worlds; Contemporary Sociological Theory (2nd Ed.) It Apprercollins Colleges Div, Pp 228 – 246 Liz, Sharon, Granehoolz, Boiuma – Holtrop (2003) â€Å"Explaining Critical Sociological Thinking. Teaching Sociology 31 (4): 485 – 496. Macious Gerber, John J. and Linda M. (2010). Sociology 7th Canadian edition. Uppersaddle River, New Jessey, USA: Pearson Education Inc P.14 Marx, karl 1971, Preface to Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, TR S.W. Ryanzanskaya, Edited by M. Dobbi. London; Lawrence Whishart. McCafferty Kevin C (2006) Conflict Theory How Contributor, http://www.Ehow.Com/Facts-5518763 conflict-theory. Obserschal Anthony, Theories of Social Conflict, from Annual Review of Sociology, Vol 4, pp291 – 315, (1978). Rizzer, G., Contemporary Sociological Theory and its Classical Roots from The Basics, 4th ed., (McGraw Hill, St Louis, 2013). Rodney, Stark (2007).Sociology (10th Ed.) Thomas Wadsworth. Sears, A., A Good Book, In Theory A Guide To Theoretical Thing North York Higher Education (University Of Toronto Press, P.G, 2008) pp 4 -6. Skocpol, Theda., States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China, (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1980). Thio, Alek (2008). Sociology: A Brief Introduction (7th Ed) Pearson. Understanding Social Conflict Theory [online], Available from: http://www.orgownneysinto-the Justice.Com/Social Conflict Theory_ht,. http://neo humanism./org/c/co/conflict_theory.html. [Accessed 23 March 2014]. 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Destructive Ambition in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays

Destructive Ambition in Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare's tragic play Macbeth presents the fizzled drive of an ambitious husband and wife. This essay is the story of their destructive ambition.    Fanny Kemble in "Lady Macbeth" refers to the ambition of Lady Macbeth:      [. . .] to have seen Banquo's ghost at the banqueting table ... and persisted in her fierce mocking of her husband's terror would have been impossible to human nature. The hypothesis makes Lady Macbeth a monster, and there is no such thing in all Shakespeare's plays. That she is godless, and ruthless in the pursuit of the objects of her ambition, does not make her such. (118)    In "Memoranda: Remarks on the Character of Lady Macbeth," Sarah Siddons mentions the ambition of Lady Macbeth and its effect:    [Re "I have given suck" (1.7.54ff.)] Even here, horrific as she is, she shews herself made by ambition, but not by nature, a perfectly savage creature. The very use of such a tender allusion in the midst of her dreadful language, persuades one unequivocally that she has really felt the maternal yearnings of a mother towards her babe, and that she considered this action the most enormous that ever required the strength of human nerves for its perpetration. Her language to Macbeth is the most potently eloquent that guilt could use.   (56)    Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare interpret the main theme of the play as intertwining with evil and ambition:    While in Hamlet and others of Shakespeare's plays we feel that Shakespeare refined upon and brooded over his thoughts, Macbeth seems as if struck out at a heat and imagined from first to last with rapidity and power, a... ...of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.    Johnson, Samuel. The Plays of Shakespeare. N.p.: n.p.. 1765. Rpt in Shakespearean Tragedy. Bratchell, D. F. New York, NY: Routledge, 1990.    Kemble, Fanny. "Lady Macbeth." Macmillan's Magazine, 17 (February 1868), p. 354-61. Rpt. in Women Reading Shakespeare 1660-1900. Ann Thompson and Sasha Roberts, eds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1997.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth., no lin.    Siddons, Sarah. "Memoranda: Remarks on the Character of Lady Macbeth." The Life of Mrs. Siddons. Thomas Campbell. London: Effingham Wilson, 1834. Rpt. in Women Reading Shakespeare 1660-1900. Ann Thompson and Sasha Roberts, eds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1997.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Horses :: Literary Analysis, Muir

Read the following poem by Edwin Muir from The Faber Book of Beasts (pp.119–20). Then write a short essay of no more than 600 words explaining what the poem is about and consider whether you think the poem is more traditional or dissenting. The first part of this essay will analyse the meaning of the poem called The Horses, written be Edwin Muir. Initially it would be useful to understand what is meant by traditional and dissenting. Traditional: of, relating, or being tradition,(E. Dictionary, 2006). Dissenting: to have a disagreement or withhold assent, (E. Dictionary, 2006). Muir, came from an isolated place and lived around two world wars, (b. May 15, 1887, Deerness, Orkney, Scot.—.d Jan. 3, 1959, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Eng), (Encyclopedia, Britannica, 2010). It is a tempting thought that living on a lonely island and through two world wars, heavily influenced him for the poem. Edwin Muir's poem 'The Horses' tells the story of a devastating war on mankind, perhaps that of a nuclear war, that has left the world on the brink of extinction, 'Barely a twelve month after The seven days’ war that put the world to sleep,' (Assignment, Book, 2008). Muir's poem could be seen to parallel Genesis(Old Testament),(Encyclopedia, Britannica, 2010). A good example of religious connotation of words, the seven days war, covenant, Eden and servitude, in the beginning and our father,' (Assignment, Book, 2008). When, Muir uses the word 'piled' in the sentence 'Dead bodies piled on the deck,' (Assignment, Book, 2008), One has the sensation that the poet wants to show the reader of the depth of disregard for the dead in the poem. It also clearly emphasises the chaos and destruction that the war has brought upon man and that there was no time for the simplest of burials. Muir, in being rhetorical, is showing that the survivors' need for a simpler life a purer life away from the existence of a technology driven society that caused the seven days war. The poem shows a strong sense of irony with, 'Our life is changed; their coming our beginning.' (Assignment Book, 2008). Muir, has used alliteration and this can be seen in the repeated f in, 'far past our fathers' land,' reinforces how much man has changed and returned to a past way of life and possibly a rhyme for forefathers when reduced to 'far...fathers,' (Assignment, Book, 2008).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Religious and Architectural Sites of Florence Essay examples -- Archit

Religious and Architectural Sites of Florence According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Italy is home to some 60 percent of the world?s most famous works of art.? Of these, one-half are found in Florence (19).? Florence gained most of this collection during the fifteenth century, when the Florentines decided to move back from Gothic fashion to the more Romanesque style of art and architecture.? This return to the Classic style is known as the Renaissance, and Florence was its birthplace.? Renaissance artists prospered greatly on account of the financial support they received from wealthy citizens (such as the Medici family) and the church, which purchased numerous works of art (6).? Further, the Florentines were a people of great civic pride, and found a means of expressing that pride through awe-inspiring monuments and statues of their patron saints (13).? With the will and the means, Florence became the home of many impressive works that have lasted to-date.? In regards to its architecture, Florence was built over many years, being founded as a Roman colony in the first century BC (4).? It is therefore home to many buildings of Romanesque and Gothic style (6).? With the arrival of the Renaissance, buildings were made again in the classic style, which leads to the city?s diversity in architecture.? Similarly, ?many Florentine structures that outwardly exemplify architecture from earlier times also house interiors, typical of the renaissance? (6).? Illustrations of such changes can be seen among those buildings whose construction spanned the time when Florentines shifted from Gothic back to the Classical style. Santa Maria Del Fiore: One such example is Florenc...> 15.?The Baptistry?.? Vivifirenze.? 15 Nov. 2003 ? 16.?The Cathedral?.? Vivifirenze.? 15 Nov. 2003 17.?The Duomo and the Baptistry.? Vivifirenze.? 22 Nov. 2003 18.Weinberger, Martin.? Michelangelo the Sculptor.? New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. 19.Wright-Martin, Linda.? ?Florence ? Art Capital of Italy?.? Italy for Visitors.? 2 Nov. 2003 Sienna, original? Final Bell Tower.? Terrace by Francesco Talenti drawing of the Bell Tower. Source (8) Basilica di San Francesco, Assisi ( Giotto?s Tower at the Duomo (Furman, Spring 2000). Source:? (7)

The Node and Place Balance and Spatial Performance

The â€Å"node† and â€Å"place† balance and spacial public presentation. â€Å"Stations, as incorporate â€Å"nodes† of conveyance web and â€Å"places† in the metropolis can increase the possibilities for physical human interactions in and around them, which in bend feed societal and economic activities that still require them† ( Bertolini,1999 ) Here can see the potency for livability of the infinites in station countries are high. For â€Å"place† have maps where it devoid with its original maps. Their high handiness is a favourable status for the development of diversified activities, for the concentration and interaction of different people in them. On the other manus it is beef uping the activities and increases the demand for connexions. The balance between these two dimensions â€Å"node† and â€Å"place† can bring forth societal, economic and environmental benefits. In other words it can better the sustainability public presentations in station countries. â€Å"There is in these locations an tremendous potency ( albeit mostly undeveloped ) for physical, societal and economic interaction and this potency could be realized in a comparative sustainable manner, as it could let the bunch of trips and a more efficient usage of land† ( Bertolini, L.2000 ) The dependance on the grade of balance between the two dimensions gives the realisation of the potency for livability or sustainability. Harmonizing to the thought of Bertolini ( 1999 ) , he explains handiness in a broader sense which can allow this possible balance between the two elements in the station countries. He highlights the human interaction, handiness of the conveyance node, how many finishs which can be easy reached with in a clip period in an country, and the handiness of the topographic point for activities, how many and how diverse are the activities that are performed in an country. Addition to that he mentions that the users who are accesses the country is besides of import. â€Å"The sweetening of handiness facilitates the existent realisation of human interaction and therefore the livability of station country. The possible dealingss between â€Å"node† and â€Å"place† contents’ strengths at station country, and their effects for likeability of these locations are depend on the node- topographic point model† ( Martines, 2012, p.38 ) This theoretical account allows for the appraisal on the grade of livability of a station country, and besides the grade of sustainability. This mainly analysis and associate the conveyance and non-transport related activities at station countries, with the potency for sustainable development. â€Å"Balancing â€Å"node† and â€Å"place† dimensions of a station country is, in fact basically a spacial problem† ( Pakusukcharern, 2003 in Martines, 2012, p.39 ) In add-on to that it is necessary to research the spacial dimensions in order to follow sustainable solutions for bing jobs of railroad Stationss and its’ urban surrounding. Harmonizing to Martins, ( 2012 ) the node- topographic point theoretical account does non give indicants on how to make the balance which is explained by spatially. It relates conveyance and non-transport related activities present at the station countries, but non their physical support. It is necessary to turn to node and topographic point balance in spacial footings. Node and topographic point balance does non merely depend on the entree to transport and non-transport related activities in the given specific location or the diverseness of their different users. The infinites that support these activities and let the user is besides contribute diverseness of the balance. The infinite must supply the best conditions for the development of the node and topographic point activities, through the physical human interaction, finally to better societal, economic and environmental public presentations and livability physical environment in one of the chief factor that influence the activities in and around of a topographic point. As St. martins, ( 2012 ) discussed the quality of a topographic point relates with the type of activities, which the users are willing to execute. For illustration a hapless or low quality infinite people tend to make merely the particular and necessary activities and besides a topographic point which has high quality a broad scope of optional and societal activities occurs within and around them. When there are jobs in station countries, the scope of activities facilitated by them is reasonably narrowed down to necessary activities particularly to transport related 1s. Consequently the topographic point dimension of the station country has fewer conditions than the node dimension, which affects to better development in quality infinite. So the happening of balance has a less opportunity. For quality infinites, the infinites that should hold to execute good, leting for human physical interaction. Within this model, which spaces of station countries facilitate node and topographic point balance is referred in this research as spacial public presentation. Here infinite quality can be seen as an index of good spacial public presentation. For the balance the layout and the relationships of station infinites activities ( conveyance related or non ) should reciprocally profit from each other. â€Å"The spacial discontinuities of station countries should be mitigated, as the physical integrating of the station in the metropolis is desirable, in order to make a good spatial performance† ( Paksukcharern, 2003 N Martins, 2012 ) Factors influence the infinites of station countries The conceptualisation or reconceptualization of station countries is a argument that is traveling on for recent old ages. Station operators, riders, states users, communities of occupants and politicians have put forward their position on how station countries should develop. But no 1 has presented a specific model particularly associating the local context. The function of renovation of infinites in station country is less discussed even though recognized its importance. Several spacial issues were forced in the renovation undertakings in station countries. The barrier consequence of the paths, and particularly considers the environing country the station has been in the centre. This shows the reconnecting or linking the station with its environing in order to extenuate their spacial jobs. The articulation of different conveyance manners and besides the other maps, within and around the edifice was besides approached solutions in different degrees. For the successful development and the betterment of spacial public presentation of station countries the planning procedure and spacial design, both are of import. Here should hold to see chief two sides, station country renovation or development and their influence on their spacial results. This research does non forces on the factors which are bounded with the planning procedure and their influences on the design of spacial ballad out of station milieus. The research chiefly approach the internal factors of public infinites of station countries witch influence its spacial public presentations. Those are bounded with spacial design the specific sphere of architecture in station country development undertakings. In those factors architecture can influence/ control, and relevant for the part can give towards the betterment of spacial public presentation of station countries. As mentioned before, to accomplish livability it is required a good degree of spacial quality to the designed infinites. To accomplish the needed quality must understand the city’s context where it operates. The context is subjected to alter in clip and the cognition on that is indispensable in development.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Injustice and Justice

Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere In the name of ALLAH the most gracious the most merciful, the Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Mr. President sir, honourable chief guest, worthy opponents and future scholars. â€Å"O believers! Be firm in justice as witnesses for God, even in cases against yourselves, your parents or your kin† â€Å"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. † These powerful words were said by one of American best known advocate of equal rights – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. According to him, all humans are caught in a patent network of sympathy.Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Hence injustice with one individual of a society can affect the life of other individuals of the society. Dear audience lets first talk about what justice really is. Justice is the ideal, morally correct state of things and persons. Justice is action in accordance with the requirements of some law. Whether these rules are grou nded in human consensus or social norms, they are supposed to ensure that all members of society receive fair treatment. Justice is distinguished from other ethical standards as required.Justice is linked conceptually, to the idea of justification: having and giving decisive reasons for one's beliefs and actions. So, attempts to understand justice are typically attempts to discover the justification – the source or basis – of justice, and therefore to account for (or disprove) its vast importance. Justice is the foundation on which the edifice of the society stands. Justice,Pakistan. Justice is perhaps the most important of the supreme values of Islam. In fact, it can be said that the main purpose of disclosure and the tasks of Prophets (alayhum salam) has been to establish Justice.Justice is the building block of the society and it is directly proportional to the truth, in order to keep check and balance in the society it is essential to maintain justice. Justice so c alled as ADAL can be seen in the early Arabian era when Hazarat Umar (R. A) was the governor General of Islamic Society. The whole society was propagated due to justified principles and teaching of Islam. He was the only ruler ever to admit that even if a dog died of hunger on the banks of river Tigris during his rule, he would be held answerable to Almighty ALLAH.It was the true spirit of justice, what the leaders of the modern world lake. Justice is like the life blood of the society which can be thick or thin, periodically, but its viscosity have a great impact in the life of the people. Justice is the first principle of social life. It can be shown to govern all relations in life: between ruler and ruled, rich and poor, husband and wife, parents and children. In all our dealings, we are required to stand firmly for justice even if it is against our own benefits.Dear youngsters of 21st century, our country, Pakistan, is facing a severe problem of bloodshed, illegal killings, suic ide bomb blast, terrorism etc. only due to the unjustified policies. Economic injustice involves the state's failure to provide individuals with basic necessities of life, such as access to adequate food and housing, and its maintenance of huge discrepancies in wealth. In the most extreme cases of misdistribution, some individuals suffer from poverty while the elite of that society live in relative luxury.Such injustice can stem from unfair hiring procedures, lack of available jobs and education, and insufficient health care. All of these conditions may lead individuals to believe that they have not received a â€Å"fair share† of the benefits and resources available in that society. Political injustice involves the violation of individual liberties, including the denial of voting rights or due process, infringements on rights to freedom of speech or religion, and inadequate protection from cruel and unusual punishment.Such injustice often stems from unfair procedures, and in volves political systems in which some but not others are allowed to have voice and representation in the processes and decisions that affect them. This sort of procedural injustice can contribute to serious social problems as well as political ones. any procedures that are carried out in a biased manner are likely to contribute to problems of religious, ethnic, gender, or race discrimination. In Pakistan our law is like a cobweb it sticks to the weaker ones but the stronger ones break it off.When the procedure in question has to do with employment or wages, such issues can lead to serious economic and social problems. In the nutshell, by setting examples of injustice we are actually creating fear in the society to fight for their basic rights. This fear is one of the major causes of our poor economy and this is the vital reason, why we are left behind from other countries. We have to make firm believe on it that Allah. It is an old saying that â€Å"absence of war does not mean pe ace, its only due to presence of justice. † Thankyou†¦

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Outline and comment on the two schools Essay

â€Å"Outline and comment on the two schools of thought involved in the study of the nature-nurture debate in development. Explain, using examples, why this debate gives rise to so much controversy†.  The debate concerning the two schools of thought involved in the study of the â€Å"nature versus nurture† is one of the most controversial and long-lasting debates in psychology. Psychologists disagree whether a particular part of behaviour had taken place through genetic and heredity factors or through experience in their environment and learning. Psychologists are trying to answer, â€Å"What makes us who we are?† and consider two main influences. Firstly nature which is involved in genes and heredity, and their influences on our development, and secondly nurture which is involved in external influences on our development such as the environment and nurturing. Psychologists were divided into two schools of thought, firstly the nativists, who are concerned with the nature side of the debate. In 1943 Gesell argued that genes and chromosomes that are inherited are the main influence in child development (Hayes and Orrell 1996, pg 2). For example: Gesell found that the development of physical coordination in a baby seemed to follow an orderly sequence, beginning with its head, and gradually moved down the body. Gesell regarded these sequences of development as being fixed and genetically determined (Hayes N 1993, pg 31). See more: what is essay format Genes are lengths of DNA, which carry instructions that control everything that happens inside a cell. They are passed onto the next generation in order to avoid extinction. Each body cell contains two sets of 23 chromosomes and each chromosome contains up to 4000 genes. (Barber M et al 2000, pg 480). Every newborn baby has around 60,000 genes; they have two copies of each gene and inherit one set from the mother and one set from the father. (Barber M et al 2000,pg 504). We portray some of these genes in our similarities in appearance to our parents or other members of our immediate family, or when generations have been skipped. For example our eye and hair colour is similar or our height, build and weight is similar to our parents. Genes can be recessive or dominant. For example: The gene that gives the colour in brown eyes is a dominant gene and the blue gene that results in blue eyes is a recessive gene. A child will have brown eyes if one of its parents had brown eyes even if the other parent had blue eyes. That child will still have the blue-eyed gene and may pass it on to the next generation (Hayes and Orrell 1996, pg 5). Some diseases are inherited mainly because of faulty genes. For example: Huntingdon disease is caused by a faulty gene and causes premature degeneration of the brain (Barber M et al 2000,pg 504). Down’s syndrome is another example of a genetic disorder, which has resulted from the presence of an extra chromosome and causes physical and mental handicaps to different degrees of severity (Hayes and Orrell 1996, pg 4).  As well as inherited characteristics and features there is also evidence of inherited behaviour. This was shown in 1938 in Lorenz and Tinbergens 4 characteristics in animal behaviour: Stereotyped – this behaviour happens the same way every time.  Species specific – this behaviour is specific to a certain type of animal.  Isolation – this behaviour is the same as others of their species, even if they have been isolated.  No practice – this behaviour appears as a complete unit even if the animal has had no chance to practice it. (Hayes and Orrell 1996 pg 9 & Class notes)  Imprinting is a type of behaviour that can form rapid attachments and is also believed to be genetically influenced. For example: Ducklings had become imprinted on a human being. Lorenz found that ducklings would adopt him if he were the first moving thing they saw. He believed this would only take place in the critical period, up to 25 hours after hatching. This was questioned by, (W Slucking in 1964.) After his own study of the same experiment, he found the period was extended if the ducklings were isolated from one another, and hadn’t been able to imprint on each other (Hayes N 1993, pg 39). Behaviours we inherit don’t show up all at once. Certain forms of behaviour emerge when the individual is mature enough. This is known as maturation, for example, the physiological changes that take place in puberty (Hayes & Orrell 1996 pg 7). There are disagreements between the nativists and behaviourists about whether or not maturation is purely genetic. (Hayes N 1993, pg 32).  This brings the debate to the other side of the disagreement and behaviourists also known, as empiricists, believe nurture is the main influence in development. In 1913, J.B. Watson attempted to make psychology `Scientific`. Previously psychology had concentrated on the study of the mind, Watson argued that the mind was not suitable for valid scientific research, so instead he studied behaviour (Hayes N 1995, pg 3). Watson was a total empiricist believing the environment was the only important factor in an individual’s development. He considered that a child was born as tabula rasa – a blank slate, which experience would write upon to produce the person (Hayes & Orrell 1996, pg 2.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Generational Poverty Paper Essay

There are several issues that I have learned about this week. There are several factors that are involved in overcoming generational poverty such as education and relationships. Migrant and seasonal farm workers work very hard but yet live in generational poverty. They face several challenges when working and their families also are at risk in repeating the pattern. I also learned about the challenges that older people face when there is a lack of access to employment. Women also face unique challenges through the different life stages. Generational poverty families are often times large families. The reason why they are so large is because the more people in the family, the more money and the more people there are to take care of aging parents. The parents of these families are usually uneducated and they become intimidated that if their children get educated then they will move away. The fear of their children becoming educated means that they tend to hold their children back from breaking the cycle. When these children get to a certain age, they will drop out and get jobs with low pay. Many children stay with their families and are more prone to getting addicted to drugs. In order to prevent the cycle from continuing it is important that the children of these families become educated. The schools need to develop positive relationships with these children in order for them to be encouraged in continuing their education. In single parent households, the parent most likely will have a low paying job and often work several jobs or hours which impact their ability to provide adequate structure for their children. Many single parents have significant stress just to make ends meet. Generational poverty is also seen in migrant and seasonal workers. Migrant and seasonal workers face several challenges when working out in the fields. Migrant and seasonal farm workers travel throughout the country, they live in temporary housing. The places these workers live in are in areas that they are needed to plant, maintain, and harvest crops. Migrant and seasonal farm workers have one of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. They are  overworked and are often in inclement weather. The ethnicity of the farm workers are mostly Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, Central Americans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans. More than half of the farm workers earn less than $7,500 per year. Because these farm workers must travel, their families travel with them. The ways farm workers impact their children are that because of travel from school to school, it negatively impacts their stability and education. The job of the farm worker is very important of American society because the farm workers are responsible to providing society with food. If it were not for the farm workers, America would not have anything to eat. Although the farm workers job is very important, they do not get the respect that they deserve. Farm workers have many dangers when it comes to working in the fields. Not only do they have dangers when working in the field but their families are also at risk for being exposed to some of the dangers of the farm workers job. Farm workers are exposed to the pesticides that are used to protect the crops from damage. The pesticides poison the farm workers and cause the farm worker to suffer from headaches, skin and eye irritations, nausea, and breathing problems. The farm workers families are also at risk from being exposed to pesticides because the worker carries the pesticides on their clothing. An injury that occurs when working as a migrant and seasonal farm worker is that they get injuries such as musculoskeletal injuries. They are prone to injuries because they are required to do repetitive movements and uncomfortable body positioning. They get carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and back pain. Most of these workers do not seek help right away because they try home remedies and over the counter treatments first because many are undocumented and fear being deported. The ones that do seek medical help often wait until the injury gets worse, which makes it harder to help them feel better. Many of these workers are uneducated and will use their children to help with translating information they need. Sometimes their children will quit school to help their parents financially and will drop out of school to work in the fields. Women face several unique challenges. Two choices that women are faced with are when they get married both they marry men who provide lifetime financial support, and they will be able to prevent destitution at the latter part of their lives. Another choice is that if a woman decides that she wants to get a higher education and establish lifetime careers, along with deciding to get  married and have children, she will be able to prevent lifetime destitution. When women decide to have a career, be a wife, and have children, they often times struggle with balancing family and work. If a woman decides to marry a man who provides lifetime financial support then she must focus on her family and take care of all responsibilities for the family. The aged face several challenges when there is lack of access to employment. In order for a person to retire they must work until they are 67 years old. When they are able to retire the aged my receive Social Security and Medicare. Many of these older people that work for companies have been there many years and tend to be paid higher than a younger person. There is a history of companies that lay off their higher paid workers that are over the age of 50 or they will force these workers to retire early so that they can hire someone younger and pay them less. The majority of the workers that are laid off or forced to retire early, leave companies with no health insurance and must use their savings early. When the aged are laid off and go to find a new job they face active age discrimination from other companies. Many companies see the aged as people who do not have the same energy or the ability to perform the job duties that a younger person can do. When the aged is unable to find a job over 50 years old, they are forced to use their life savings before they expected to and some do not have any savings because they have to support their families. I have changed my perspective on several of the topics that where discussed. I work with older staff and I now understand that ageism happens and it is better to understand what they go through than to discriminate against them. Instead of complaining how slow an older person is, it is important to help them. When an aged person loses their job it becomes extremely difficult for them to find another job because companies discriminate against the aged. Generational poverty is an issue that can be reduced by educating families and building relationships with them in order to encourage these families to continue their education. The reason why some generational poverty families are big is so that the more people there are in the family the more money and the more people there are to take care of the aged. I have also learned about the many unique challenges that women have when it comes to living their life. A woman can chose to get married and let the man support her financially or chose a higher education and a career and raise a family. References Anthony, M. J. (2011). Caring for Migrant Farm Workers on Medical-Surgical Units. MEDSURG Nursing, 20(3), 123-126. Understanding the Depth of Challenges People Face Power Point Presentation Hatch, L. (2005). Gender and Ageism. Generations, 29(3), 19-24

Friday, September 13, 2019

Childhood Glaucoma and the Nurse's Role Research Paper

Childhood Glaucoma and the Nurse's Role - Research Paper Example Glaucomas are majorly classified into two classes depending on the angle that the iris of the eye forms with the cornea at the anterior chamber of the eye. The two classifications are open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. They may also be divided into primary types or secondary types. Childhood glaucoma is a very dangerous disorder due to the fact that the child may develop blindness and other eye complications if at all the condition are not corrected early. To suffer blindness at such an early age would make life difficult for the child. It may also make the life of the parents difficult as they attend to the child. Such a child requires massive care from the nurses of health institutions. The nurses also have a role of teaching the care principles to the parents or siblings of the affected child. My discussion will illustrate the disease process of glaucoma. I will then analyze the management measures directed by the nurses to aid in the recovery of the child, or to assist the chi ld lead a normal lifestyle. The disease process The optic nerve is responsible for transmission of visual images from the eye towards the brain. These contribute to perception of images by the brain. In glaucoma, components (axons) of this nerve are destroyed. They result in the death of the cells of the ganglions of the optic nerve. This in turn causes atrophy of the nerve. The result is that images are not transmitted to the brain for perception. This explains the vision loss in patches. There are many conditions causing the destruction of these neurons, however, the commonest cause is an increase in the contents of the eye. This is termed to as an increase in the intraocular pressures (IOP) of the eyes. Increased IOP may be due to obstruction of secretions of the eye or inhibition of flow. The major secretions of the eye are the aqueous humor and the vitreous humor. Physical injuries and congenital causes play a role in the obstruction of flow. The commonest congenital form of gl aucoma in children is referred to as Primary Infantile Glaucoma also referred to as congenital glaucoma. In this condition, there is hindrance to the passage of a secretion the eye referred to as aqueous humor of the infant or child. This raises the IOP with a possible damage of the optic nerve. This causes patchy blindness in the child or infant. Statistics reveal that the incidence of affecting one eye is 40% while in both of the eyes it is 60% (Merck Manual of Diagnosis, 2010). Primary infantile glaucoma may occur in infants following traumatic events or after surgery involving the ocular structures. Signs and symptoms The primary symptom in a child with infantile glaucoma is the swelling of the eye beyond its normal size. This is because of thee the IOP cause stretching of collagen fibers of the sclera of the eye. The infant or child affected experiences intolerance to bright light (photophobia) and tearing. The cornea of the eye becomes thin. It is normally about 12mm. The corn ea of the eye may also be cloudy. If the condition is not given urgent medical care, the cloudiness may progress, the optic nerve will be destroyed and patchy blindness occurs. Surgical intervention is the cardinal correction measure. Diagnosis: role of the nurse Early diagnosis of the condition is very important in children because some children have the condition without the parents

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Chieldren's Group Activities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chieldren's Group Activities - Assignment Example For instance, take the outlook of a physical education teacher. "Cognitively, preschool children are at a pre-operational stage. New schema are constantly changing as children accommodate and assimilate information. Young children are still developing principles of conservation, seriation, and other important foundational learning fundamentals. They have short attention spans and usually can process or focus on only one concept at a time. They learn best through active experiences in the tactile kinesthetic mode" (Werner, 1994, pg.1; Gura, P., 1996; and Hurst, V., 1997). Group play with small children is self-centered. This is the time that their self-esteem and self-concept are developing and must be nourished through positive experiences. "Socially, preschool children are developing interactive skills with others, but often revert to behaviors which satisfy themselves" (Werner, 1994, pg. 1; Hurst, V. & Joseph, J, 1998). Listening also plays an important role in group interactive skills. "Interactive skills ensure that you understand the messages your counterparts are communicating and acknowledge their feelings. Interactive skills include clarifying, verifying, and reflecting" (Everyone Negotiates, 2008, pg. 2). The process of clarifying involves using "facilitative questions to fill in the details, get additional information, and explore all sides of an issue." The process of verifying involves paraphrasing a speaker's words to ensure that they are being interpreted correctly. Finally, the process of reflecting involves making "remarks that acknowledge and show empathy for the speaker's feeling" (Everyone Negotiates, 2008, pg. 2). How Sessions are Planned and Managed "Different children have different personalities, and likewise, children have different intelligences and learning styles-some are visual-spatial learners, some auditory learners, some kinesthetic learners, and some a combination. By understanding your child's learning personality, you can tailor his environment or teach him tips to help him succeed in school and in life" (, 2008, pg. 5). This means that the various learning styles that a group of children exhibits will determine how sessions are planned and managed. Knowing how to plan and manage a session is critical in ensuring successful knowledge transmission among group members. Teachers need to know the different learning and thinking styles and how they affect children in the group, a thorough lesson plan needs to be developed based on those needs, proper discipline needs to be maintained, the strengths and weaknesses of the group members need to be identified and assessed, and the teacher should have a working knowledge of social and emotional learning (, 2008, pg. 5). How Assessment Strategies are Used to Progress Children's Learning "Assessment doesn't take time away from learning; assessments can be learning experiences in themselves. Active assessment strategies enhance student content understanding and promote skills that will be beneficial to students throughout their lives. The ability to see the big picture, develop effective oral

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ecology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Ecology - Case Study Example The expected time of extinction is approximately 1400years. 6. What would T(N) be for the killer whale population at its largest and smallest sizes? If a population grows just by chance, does this mean that its prospects for long-term survival improve? Assume that the sample standard deviation of r in the spreadsheet accurately estimates the underlying value of S. 7. If this were always the case, why should we be worried about small populations? Under what conditions might you expect a population not to increase when reduced to low population size? This certainly has been the case for many endangered species that have gone extinct or now teeter on the edge. Do some populations simply not â€Å"have what it takes† to maintain healthy levels? Few fertile males à ·if a population contain only a few fertile males, the rate of growth will be low since only a few females will be fertilized. This will lead to few births than deaths, hence the population will approach extinct

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment Essay

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment - Essay Example Cultural diversity refers to people belonging to diverse cultures working in one organisation, which is rampant in Singapore because of its history of immigrants and also due to its growing economic prospects. The present discourse focuses on the way Singapore manages its cultural diversity. The topic explores various governmental initiatives as well as organisational policies towards diversity management in this region. During the process, a critical view of the policies and practices and their impact on other aspects of organisational performance would be placed to assess the effectiveness of the policies and practices. Moreover, possible recommendations to tackle these challenges would be suggested based on organisational practices. 2. Background: While the effects of globalization have been so profound that all organisations have to adapt to the changes, diversity is one of the strategies adopted for sustainability and performance. This reflects in their policies and practices wi th respect to human resources management. Though the western countries adopted this route much earlier, it is relatively newer concept in most of the Eastern nations (Mor-Barack, 2005). This does not mean that the Eastern nations did not employ people from different cultures and ethnic groups; but just that the organisations have started adopting policies and practices to encourage and, to an extent, suit multicultural and diverse populations during last few decades. The most important requirement for managing diversity comes from equal rights act and policies congruent with this act, which create favourable social, legal and organisational environment to all groups of people. Secondly, organisational policies and practices that encourage and support diversified workforce. 3. Rationale: Globalization has provided extraordinary benefits to organisations, which has enticed many organisations to enter the global market. This has further increased the numbers of people from different ba ckgrounds, cultures, races and ethnic groups to work together at different locations. On the other hand, organisations in some sectors are known to have moved to other places in order to flourish because the legislation there was more conducive to their strategies; for example, Singapore has relaxed legislation related to bioresearch, unlike in the Western countries. Many Western bioresearch organisations shifted their base to Singapore (Huat, 2011). Much before such movements, Singapore is known for cultural diversity because it was established because of immigrants from different parts of the world, which created a plural and highly diverse and ethnic society (Chen-Tung, Ong & Chen, 1980). With such high cultural diversity, Singapore is one of the most advanced and flourished nations in the Asia-Pacific region. Many reasons make Singapore as the focus of discussion related to management of cultural diversity in organisations. The immense industrial growth in Singapore suggests tha t workplace diversity, specifically cultural diversity, is being managed effectively; this fact is further reinforced by the immense movement that is continuing, and potential that still exists in this part of the world. Secondly, Singapore hosts a variety of cultural mix, which makes it even more difficult for diversity management for organisations if they have to cater to the cultural differences of all groups that are a part of them. At least these two critical reasons are enough to explore

Monday, September 9, 2019

Conflict Resolution Interviews, Field Experience Activity, the Three C Essay

Conflict Resolution Interviews, Field Experience Activity, the Three Cs of Conflict Resolution - Essay Example Conflicting parties capitalize on others deficiencies as well as intensifying painful emotions. Conflicts could also satisfy the psychological needs of those indirectly involved. Fix solutions to these conflicts comprise of considering the consequences, which helps in avoidance of negative outcomes thereby solving the conflict. In addition, dialogue, mediation and negotiation could be employed in resolving conflicts between personnel (Morrill 245-256). The principal’s role in dealing with conflicts entails an integrative and collaborative process as well as the discipline of decision making as elements of strategic leadership. These aspects of leadership enable the principal to adopt, define, and understand shared managerial purposes, goals, and priorities based on the vision and identity of the human resource personnel. The principal’s role in conflict resolution, therefore, encompasses elements of human values, information, responsibility and responsiveness, organizational culture as well as conceptual and integrative thinking. The principal’s key responsibility revolves around his ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders, faculty, and students. Communication strategies have offered numerous opportunities for non-campus or central office based interns’ improvement plans. The principal could influence interns’ through their relationships, credibility, expertise, and knowledge. In addition, the principal could generate new realities for interns concerning the campus activities and its organization. Communication strategies also enable the principal to understand and use appropriate tactics in dealing with interns in writing and orally. Communication systems take into account other people’s points of views as well as acknowledging the different perspectives of both the principal and the stakeholders in providing their contributions.  Ã‚  

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Business to Business Marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Business to Business Marketing - Term Paper Example Marketing is a broad spectrum of activities that define the function of a market – technically, markets provide grounds for the exchange of value. In past days, it was goods vs. goods i.e. the barter system while in present days, its goods vs. monetary terms – the money value. In simpler terms, the seller puts a price tag on the products and services, buyers reach, negotiate, and purchase – this is a simple market cycle/activity. Marketing includes all these activities and beyond as well – activities that start from attracting the customer to the point of sales, completion of transaction, and relationships beyond to ensure repeat purchases. Prior to pouring deep into the project and research of the said paper, it is important to understand the forms of markets that exist. The fundamental form of division of markets based on the customer type is the area of interest for this research paper. In accordance with Hooley (2007), there are mainly two types of mar kets that exist across the broader scale in marketing terms; Consumer Markets & Industrial Markets – the latter is also known as Business Markets. The further description and analytics of the two are discussed in the forthcoming sections. Industrial Markets According to Doyle (2006), Industrial Markets, also known as B2B (i.e. Business to Business) Markets involve the sales of goods and services between businesses – not aimed directly at the customers. These may include examples such as: Selling raw material from one organization to another e.g. wood seller to furniture maker like IKEA Selling final products from one organization to another e.g. a firm purchasing Blackberry handsets from RIM (Research In Motion) Corporate Wing Corporate Sales of Services Outsourcing deals such as call centres Manufacturer to Whole-seller, Whole-seller to Retailers i.e. the intermediary set up Thus, if in a transaction, the buyer and seller both are businesses, then the arrangement is k nown as a B2B market/structure/arrangement. According to Aaker (2007) B2B markets have a small number of buyers, with larger requirements; for example, Wal-Mart may purchase a number of laptops from IBM or Dell, but an individual consumer may purchase just one – so fewer transactions but individually, the worth of a single transaction is on the higher side as more units are involved (Menon, 2005). B2B purchases are generally a lengthy, systematic, and structured process that involves at least one department and a number of individuals from either side. Other than routine purchases that involve regular order placing, the process starts by raising an RFQ (Request for Quotation), to which firms respond with an EOI (Expression of Interest); generally, the supply chain or procurement department analyzes the quotations with a variety of processes, and then gradually the purchase is made (Wardell, Wynter, and Helander, 2008). The different processes include searching, shortlisting, discussions, negotiations, sampling, contracts, order placement, order delivering, replenishment, etc. With long term commitments, strategic alliances are formed between the businesses. Payment terms are also negotiated – the transactions generally do not have a quick outflow of cash but credit terms. For each product being sold, there are a number of suppliers and manufacturers involved behind the product’s formation.  

Risks Associated With the Use of Tobacco Term Paper

Risks Associated With the Use of Tobacco - Term Paper Example Sadly, the users of tobacco seem not to care or are so addicted to this substance, such that are at an impasse to act. Today many researches by medical practitioners point out that 75% of all lung cancer deaths are tobacco related. Unfortunately, some of those affected are direct passive smoking. Likewise, use of tobacco accounts for more than 20% of heart diseases deaths (Cordry, 2001). Many individuals such as myself have had it difficult coping with the users particularly close friends. Despite these known alarming rate that are associated with use of tobacco and the cause of poor health as well as death many still put their love ones and the public at risk through second hand smoking related risks. However, there are behavioral or other changes can be made to minimize the situation. One of such can be heavy penalty on users of tobacco in public for it affects many non-smokers. Likewise, there is need to regulate advertisement and if possible ban it all together to help curb new users. These will have a direct influence in users and help minimize the associated risks (Graves, 2000). In summary, there are a lot of risks that are directly associated with passive users of tobacco. The risks are health related and affect large portion of the population. However there are a lot that can be done by the government including fines to minimize these