Sunday, September 8, 2019

Risks Associated With the Use of Tobacco Term Paper

Risks Associated With the Use of Tobacco - Term Paper Example Sadly, the users of tobacco seem not to care or are so addicted to this substance, such that are at an impasse to act. Today many researches by medical practitioners point out that 75% of all lung cancer deaths are tobacco related. Unfortunately, some of those affected are direct passive smoking. Likewise, use of tobacco accounts for more than 20% of heart diseases deaths (Cordry, 2001). Many individuals such as myself have had it difficult coping with the users particularly close friends. Despite these known alarming rate that are associated with use of tobacco and the cause of poor health as well as death many still put their love ones and the public at risk through second hand smoking related risks. However, there are behavioral or other changes can be made to minimize the situation. One of such can be heavy penalty on users of tobacco in public for it affects many non-smokers. Likewise, there is need to regulate advertisement and if possible ban it all together to help curb new users. These will have a direct influence in users and help minimize the associated risks (Graves, 2000). In summary, there are a lot of risks that are directly associated with passive users of tobacco. The risks are health related and affect large portion of the population. However there are a lot that can be done by the government including fines to minimize these

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