Friday, October 18, 2019

Financial Data Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Data Analysis - Assignment Example Based on the theory, rend in demand or its indicators can be evaluated based on trends in such factors as wealth, utility of the subject asset, risks in substitutes, liquidity position. Demand defines desire and ability to purchase a commodity at a given price and bears a direct relationship with price. Consequently, general changes in commodity prices, as observed in variations in consumer price index, indicates changes in general demand. Similarly, personal consumption expenditure, as a factor of gross domestic product that is also directly proportional to value of GDP is an indicator of consumers’ level of wealth. The theory of Portfolio therefore offers a basis for understanding historical effects of personal consumer expenditure on consumer price index. The personal consumption expenditure is further an indicator of economic factors such as inflation and unemployment rates (Barro 17). This analysis considers corresponding data of consumer price index and personal consumpt ion expenditure for the period between January 2009 and September 2013. The following is the considered monthly data set. consumer price index personal consumption expenditure 211.952 9877.1 212.823 9838.9 212.523 9814.9 212.657 9798.7 212.998 9807.1 214.791 9798.8 214.72 9831.1 215.442 9930.7 215.88 9826.2 216.482 9847.9 217.165 9847 217.365 9896.8 217.478 9881.2 217.356 9908.4 217.38 9956.8 217.281 9970.1 217.23 9997.3 217.329 10018.5 217.69 10027.9 218.02 10075.7 218.319 10087.6 218.996 10139.7 219.471 10179.3 220.468 10188 221.067 10197.8 221.908 10215.1 223.106 10251 223.879 10255 224.747 10252.7 225.07 10269.1 225.594 10301.9 226.187 10302 226.753 10331.9 226.728 10372.1 227.049 10374.9 227.137 10372.1 227.605 10409.5 228.253 10466.6 228.95 10467.3 228.951 10499 228.648 10497.9 228.924 10493.6 228.836 10533.2 230.026 10523.2 231.227 10566.6 231.623 10558.6 231.071 10593.4 231.137 10602.4 231.198 10614.3 232.77 10643.5 232.34 10674.2 231.485 10678.7 231.831 10689.4 232.944 1070 7.7 233.318 10711.8 233.526 10735.7 233.947 10749.4 (Economic Research 1) The following graph shows the trend in consumer price index and the personal consumption expenditure. Graph 1: Consumer price index and personal consumption expenditure The graph suggest a slight correlation in the change in values of the consumer price index and personal consumtion expenditure. Changes in consumer price index is however minimal and less significant as compared to changes in personal consumption expenditure. The range between the two variables is a factors to trend visibility from the graph independent analysis of the two trends is necessary. The folowing graphs shows the independent trends for consumer price index and personal consumption expenditure. Graph 2: Consumer price index Graph 3: Personal consumption expenditure The two graphs shows a general increasing trend with shapes that are almost similar. This suggests that avalability of wealth into personal consumption expenditure is a fact or of the consumer price index in the considered period. The data can further be inferred to other periods and other economy to the conclusion that availability of wealth and gross domestic product are determinants of consumer price index in economies. Another alternative measure for the analysis of effects of personal consumption expenditure and consumer price index over th considered period is the corelation coefficient, a measure of the degree of association

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