Thursday, May 14, 2020

Question 1.1. Explain The Sequence And Rate Of Each Aspect

Question 1.1: Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years: There are five aspects of a child and young person’s development that are measured on, Social development, physical development, intellectual development, communication, and emotional development. Development refers not to the physical growth of children and young people, but to the skills and knowledge that they are developing. All children and young people follow a similar pattern of development so the order in which each child grows from one milestone to the next will roughly be the same. However, each child will develop at a different rate and their development may not progress evenly across all areas. Physical development Physical†¦show more content†¦Between the ages of 6 and 7 years old they will use fine motor skills which may include putting a jigsaw together, putting cloths on and off and using buttons, they can kick and control a ball, use a knife and fork competently, but will need help to cut meat up. From ages 8-9 children will increased body strength and co-ordination and have a quicker reaction time, they can ride a two-wheeled bike, skip more freely, enjoy active, energetic games and sports, and will enjoy participating in competitive sports. They will have more control over small muscles and therefore write and draw with greater skill, drawing with more details, and are beginning to join letters together in handwriting. Age 10 and 11 years will differ in physical maturity because girls experience puberty earlier generally as much as 2 years ahead of boys, they will start to have body’s proportions that are becoming like those of adults. During adolescence, young people go through many changes as they move from childhood into teenagers, between the ages of 11-16 young girl’s breasts will have started to develop and will have fully develop between 12-18 years old. A girl’s menstrual cycle may start as early as 10 years old and as late as 15. Pubic, armpi t hair and underarm hair will grow like that of an adult. At 13-14 years, boys may notice that their testicles and scrotum are growing and by the age 16 or 17 the genitals are usually at their adult size. Armpit, pubic, leg, chest, and facial hairShow MoreRelatedExplain the Difference Between Sequence of Development and Rate of Development and Why the Difference Is Important.1465 Words   |  6 PagesCYP3.1 Outcome 1.2 Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important. 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